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Please enhance Freelancer with an ultimte mod !

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Post Sat Dec 03, 2005 6:37 am

Please enhance Freelancer with an ultimte mod !

What a good mod would be ?

We play at freelancer but we feel a bit as "out of the game"
We can't own any orbital station, We can't manage planet terraforming, industrial and commercial facility, We can not build our own ships, We can not make any strategical choices in political, military or economical subject...

My idea is to create and play many game level

-first level : is the one that exists right now on unmodded game

-second level : (mod Alpha) is the ability for a clan to own a private orbital station, to build defensive weapons stuctures, to buy a fleet with larger fight vessels and to assign mission to bots patrols...
From this station many opportunity are created : in economy for ex. to mine asteroids with bot vessels, stock minerals and raw materials, to sold them on inter-system market, etc.
This orbital will have ability to own transportation heavy ships, to assign them destination and product orders, etc.
Orbitals may be from different kind : mining orbital , commercial orbital, industrial (ships builder), military (cruiser ship), terraforming ones, etc...

Orbitals may have economic developpment that means final production and (output) linked with products needs(input ) that implicate a financial rentabillity...

Orbitals may concludes alliances and form federation...

Third level : When a clan become rich or strong enought it would have opportunity to access a Planetary level !

Members of the clan may be senators at a Planetary council. Each of them have opportunity to developp the Planet society at demographic, industrial, commercial or millitary level

They may be engaged in system policy as they are able to form system alliance and diplomacy with 2 first levels : traders-bh level and orbitals-cruiser level.
They own they planetary police force and have to pay commercials taxes for the military alliance they belong to.

Post Sat Dec 03, 2005 6:49 am

Please do not post the same thread twice in two different locations.
I'm closing this one and leaving the one in FL discussion open. If you want it the other way round, please email me.

-make 'em bleed-
Rabbit wants to rule

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