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Freelancer: Redemption

Here you can announce your own Freelancer MOD and find information about the different available packages!

Post Tue Jan 23, 2007 1:42 am

CV, i now can't even log in to your forums, seems i've either been banned or deleted.

Post Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:44 am

sorry about that Gibbon, you were one of the original beta testing group right? I tried to merge the beta team mask to members since it's open-beta now, and i guess it deleted your account, and possibly a few more

anyways, you weren't banned just accidentally deleted by an idiot, so please don't let this put you off :/

Edited by - Cold_Void on 1/23/2007 6:50:20 AM

Post Tue Jan 23, 2007 9:29 am

LMAO, though it was something i said, anyway i re-registered so hopefully i can get on next time i log in

Post Tue Jan 23, 2007 12:51 pm

Gibbon i validated your account, so you should be ready to go now

important announcement: if you downloaded the mod already you should be able to extract it with 7zip in the mods folder or download the correctly zipped mod which is now on the forum - the smaller 7zip flmod file (which mod manager didn't like) is no longer up.

Edited by - Cold_Void on 1/23/2007 12:52:51 PM

Post Tue Jan 23, 2007 2:10 pm

Not a surprise really as FLMM 1.4 isn't stable, all of the new features have problems, I've been telling people not to use it since it was released as it's more hassle than it's worth. I even sent IGx89 a bug report back when beta 4 was released but he never replied and I don't think he's been around since.

It's best to stick to 1.31 as that's the best we have, those who "need" the 7zip compression should learn to convert the TGA textures to DDS, as you can cut a good third or more out of most mods by doing that.

**shuffles of with a new headache**

Post Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:13 pm

the mod is 1.3 compatible - it's config tool is not, but thats because it uses the new ability to edit restart.fl (nice *thumbs up*) in flmm 1.4

Post Fri Feb 02, 2007 2:19 pm

important announcement: Freelancer Redemption has acquired permission to use Evolutions universe as the setting for all its improvements to Freelancer. This is excellent news because Evolutions is one of the best expansions to FL ever made - it is very much inline with what Redemption is about; expanding gameplay, adding depth to the universe, and giving players the power to choose how they play. Besides this Evolutions has a very good economy which will mesh nicely with FLR's dynamic price variance, and a set of kickass ships, new houses, systems, and factions, which actually fit into Freelancers universe. There are no star trek ships, etc

Post Fri Feb 02, 2007 3:42 pm

sounds sweet!

Post Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:58 am

"there are no star trek ships".............. LOL


Post Thu May 31, 2007 12:26 pm

Where can I download this mod? It looks great.

Post Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:21 pm

YAh..the mod sounds very promising..especially the ease of modding promises..

- Escfalowne Worshiper
- Pasionate modder and modeler

Post Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:03 pm

do i detect some skepticism? nothing listed in the presented claims is unimplemented - all my exploits are real, and i spent a great deal of time finding them with disassemblers, DLL editors, and educated guesses, (all EXE hacks are from the Limit Breaking 101 post and others - my own 'exploits' are just unused features already in the games code) and spent nearly as much time testing them (cough - except price variance - turned out this will just show up as a cheat in MP because its a clientside property - doh!). a lot of people have worked on MODDING this game, but I'm striving to offer some real IMPROVEMENTS meaning some fresh gameplay, not merely new ships with fancy FL destructible parts and wires, but a new feeling of fairness to skill (starflier vs eagle = an even match when pilots are the reversed ends of the skillz scale) - when I began working on this MOD alone I did not intend to change the universe, but our new system creator pointed out to me that he could create beautiful new systems and if we had a new universe to explore it would be much more interesting (obvious - but i didn't think about it, cuz i'm a PVPer and i wanted awesome ships, new weapon behaviors, and real tradeoffs between equipment )

however, we are at a stalled point in development
we need a fresh concept, blending the best of Evo's ideas with a fresh and reinvigorated universe - this means writing a new story (sticking point for our team atm) or at least some cohesive narrative on how the universe would come to be

if however, i am forced to abandon this effort because we cannot come up with a working concept i will proceed with the promised release as a barebones SDK minus some ships (and yes i'll be giving away all the great new exploits with it, like dynamic lighting for FX). the XML expansion in this mod over Argh's Toolkit is BIG and thus the MOD can't be used in its XML form reliably, it has to be compiled into static INIs like most mods are - you need a *decent* computer to crunch all the instructions. heck, you need a much better PC than spec to run this mod at all, because of the generous textures, dynamic lighting, faster ships and projectiles, and debris fields/spinning planets/'gravity wells' and other odd things that eat cycles like additional AI command blocks (i found several - these are probably 'rediscoveries' but i don't go snooping around in other people's MOD code much these days so i wouldn't know). this probably won't be the most demanding MOD on gfx cards however, as it uses conservative polycounts (and VERY-SUBTLE LODs) combined with higher resolution textures (taking advantage of much more generous amounts of RAM on GFX cards)

anyways, rant over

Edited by - Cold_Void on 6/4/2007 6:03:44 PM

Edited by - Cold_Void on 6/4/2007 6:05:57 PM

Post Tue Jun 05, 2007 12:29 am

Do you even need a "new" story? Just improve the standard one..add a few details, tweak missions...

That said, if the universe will remain true to the standard FL singleplayer one, I'll gladly donate ships to the cause (once I finish them )

- Escfalowne Worshiper
- Pasionate modder and modeler

Post Wed Jun 06, 2007 9:06 am

New story, eh? Interesting... I can try to whip something up (I have quite the imagination, after all), just tell me what you want/need and I'll see what I can do.


Post Sat Jul 07, 2007 8:22 am

well we lost our system designer, FriendlyFire, so we have a position open there and also in the modeling department.... but ATM it looks as if we will not be able to reach consensus on making a new story - so that's fine, and since i will not demean that mod which i love so much by butchering it outright I am going to scale back my ambitions and trim it back to a playable upgrade to Freelancer available to both players and modders for their use (SP and MP compatible) in a vanilla universe. If someone wants to put what i've done into the full Evo, they can get in contact with Chips

now to recap what will and won't be in the pack, which will be available sometime soon as i'm quite tired of working on it

1. 'gravity' script to add gravity/drag to planets for 'slingshot' speedboosting
2. current dynamic debris fields conversion -> could be expanded to asteroids or removed
3. hi-res FX texture pack for beam fx, explosions, fire, sparks etc
4. dynamic lighting / set of reorganized FX inis
5. 7 or 8 gadgets from lighting-flares to pusher mines (to push yourself faster than cruise), gatling guns, flamethrowers, blah blah blahg
6. some joke weapons;
7. an arena system
8. a reworked interface/HUD
9. additional controls (xml scripted)
10. the ships in argh's XML toolkit i've converted? i think that should be OK and i did work pretty hard on converting them to pure FL models
11. complete rescripting of ships into XML
12. experimental\concept weapon-stat balance and market placement scripts
13. an arena system (this will be the only functional system included, for MP demonstration) consisting of the 'thunderdome' asteroid-sphere
14. a tron system... for whatever reason i made a tron system and even started scripting a mission, which is startable/playable. it doesn't have any point, but its shiny like tron with all the glows hehe
15. other macro scripts for simplifying balance and entering new stuff like ships; ex a lights-loadout script that assigns lights to loadouts after they're added by XML, using a code for the lights # like 2-4-2 etc
16. faction-adding scripts for the space paranoids
17. misc equipment upgrades with the hacked EXE to support; extended scanners, extended LOD-distance, shield upgrade modules, etc
18. a new neuralnet voice (needs more testing)
19. commodity-archetypes XML script, new sexy icons taken from 3D renders for everything
20. a battleship/cruiser thing for Hispania w/ real SUR, wireframe, and destructible groups and damage caps
phew... i'm sure there's more i'm neglecting to mention but my brain and fingers are exhausted

Edited by - Cold_Void on 7/7/2007 9:28:30 AM

Edited by - Cold_Void on 7/8/2007 8:10:48 PM

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