Post Wed Aug 03, 2005 5:01 pm

Last Hope 0.3 Coming soon.

I am here to announce Last Hope 0.3 is coming soon.
I've got alot of work done and alot of bugs fixed in this mod and you expect to see 0.3 out in about a week.

Well what have we done to the great game of FL. Well I'll give you a peek.
I've gotten 3 new systems added to the already 10 there making 13 new systems.
2 New ships also with bugs kicked out of it. Still problems but nothing to big.

Weapons upgraded to be better and faster. A peek. I've turned the Sunslayer into a nuke that can kill anything without sheilds up within 2.5 k and has a hull of 50000 or less. Don't worry for those people who don't like broken weapons that ruins the game I've made it so it comes with a price of useing it. ^^ So jsut in case when I test the server people aren't running around with 50 of them all the time. ~_~

Battleships will now show up with very little chance of crashing. I've tested them all by killing them and only had one crash which didn't happen the second time after I tryed it again.

New Equipment,Powerplanets, Shroud now has it's own icon and hopfully I'll get it to come with a sheild when you buy it.

That's the small peek.
Hopfully I'll have a server up and running within a month or two, Reasons? Becasue I want to make sure this mod is bug free. About 98% bug free so your not playing ad the server crashes every 10 mins. ^^

If you are interested in helping to test out when the time comes sign up at the web site for the mod at ... m=lasthope
If you got any questions about this mod post here or e-mail me at [email protected]
I check my mail everyday and the forum.