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Freelancer Evolution

Here you can announce your own Freelancer MOD and find information about the different available packages!

Post Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:16 pm

Freelancer Evolution

Though this is still an iffy thing, and very unlikely, Id still like the community's opinion...

Suppose there was a longterm mod made that was capable of creating Freelancer into the MMO that it really should have been. I always believed Freelancer should have kept going long after the single player games, and multiplayer should have been a constantly moving operation, both in innovation and story.

If such a thing could in fact be achieved, I think some of my side ideas would be a great addition to that. These include:
1. More universes/galaxies
2. Constantly new ships/parts/technologies

But the core parts of what would make it an interesting MMO:

3. Ability to attain a merchantile class and setup a business.
4. Ability to create starships and stations.
5. Ability to colonize planets. <- Can be locale of business.
6. Hire NPCs / Bots to run businesses.
7. Join major Organizations ( LIberty Navy / Rogues / etc.)
8. Hire Mercs ( Whether for business or assitants in battle )
9. Switch between flight and first person perspectives. (Much Much Much later)

It's been a long time since Ive played actually, and I continually keep coming back for the enjoying feel of jumping in the ship and traveling ridiculous distances for whatever Im doing. Something there and a wild creativity that spawned from the disappointment by StarWars Galaxies brought a good part of this on. Yet Im sure all of this is somewhat contingent on some major factors. One of which is the growing possibilty of FL2.

Again, this is by no means an announcement but merely a thought I came up with while sitting at my toilet late one day. It may not be possible with the current engine, but if anyone happens to know the code quite well, Id love to hear your input.

Post Tue Feb 22, 2005 12:07 am

Erm, we already have a freelancer evolution mod, so I would suggest an alternative name to avoid confusion.

Post Tue Feb 22, 2005 1:10 pm

Well Naturally, The name is not in the least bit important, but merely whether or not the concept can be done.

Post Tue Feb 22, 2005 1:52 pm

It is all possible in a MP situation. Glock36's Asylum51 mod is looking at doing all of these types of things. He has a great idea whereas the players can 'buy' bases using a points system and hauling specific freight to a specific location. After they have hauled so much freight, he will release a 'patch' with the new base in it. He will also allow certain planets to be colonised. I don't know all of the ins and outs of it but it seems fun enough, you should talk to him, hes a very helpful guy and will explain it better than I can.

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