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Warriors of the Sky, Alpha 2

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Post Mon Nov 08, 2004 1:27 pm

Warriors of the Sky, Alpha 2

EDIT: if you've already downloaded the Alpha, it had a couple of errors left in, having to do with the Heavy Transport's Fuse, the Li_Fighter, and the shop loadouts (i.e., you could buy a bunch of guns that you really shouldn't be able to in the "correct" mod). If you've already downloaded the mod, please delete it with FLMM, download the new version (same link, see below), and then run it... sorry for any annoyance this may cause

The second Alpha is now ready, and I am confident enough that most players will find it fun and bug-free that I've posted the files, so there will be a formal announcement whenever BP and the other TLR guys have had a chance to test things.

For those of you willing to accept my reassurances that the mod is stable, you can download it now:

Click here to download Alpha 2.

If you've never heard of the mod, here's are the objectives:

1. To completely replace the FL universe with a new one.
2. To introduce new gameplay concepts, never seen before in current mods.
3. To balance the mod for multiplayer PvP, as opposed to SP.

This mod is NOT SINGLE PLAYER COMPATIBLE. Period. FL will crash.

Download the latest version of the FL SDK 1.3 and install it before running the mod. I don't garantee that this is necessary, but it's how I have my build of FL configured, and not having it installed may cause problems.

Edited by - Argh on 11/12/2004 12:01:24 PM

Post Mon Nov 08, 2004 1:35 pm

Can somebody start a test server for this?

Post Mon Nov 08, 2004 1:37 pm

You can start a server yourself, by using FLMM to start the FLServer application (click on the File Menu). Then, once you've got your game set up, simply log into your server.

On my machine (which, granted, is an AMD 2800 with a gig of RAM) I'm able to run the server and client without any problems. I've been pretty careful to keep the new models around 5000+ polys, so they won't lag you too badly

Now, some new screenies:

Edited by - Argh on 11/12/2004 12:01:41 PM

Post Mon Nov 08, 2004 11:14 pm

I've gotten some islands working, and put into the mod! And fixed a few other minor things that were bugging me, while I was at it. I think the version that will get put up is this current version (I sent him a last-second message about this, which hopefully he got/read/understood), but you can download it directly from my website, by following the download link above.

If you've already installed the mod, delete it, download the current version... enjoy the islands... buy yourself some cannons... and LIGHT THINGS ON FIRE... uh, I mean, "play the game in a gentle and non-violent way"

BTW, as to the "test server" concept... if anybody wants to host one, that's great, but the Alpha changes builds daily right now, and Beta is a very long way away, unless people come out of the woodwork and start making me models and skins, rewriting the nasty code that needs fixing, and other things. So an Alpha server would always be horribly out of date... I'm guessing it'll be at least a month or three before Beta, as I only can do so much in one day here.

Post Tue Nov 09, 2004 11:32 am

New screenies up... if anybody's downloaded the mod, please... give me some feedback

Post Wed Nov 10, 2004 8:05 am

Hahahahaha, the pics are hilarious. absolutely awesome. ill DL it right away and try it.

Infinity TC Mod Leading Developer

Post Wed Nov 10, 2004 9:10 am

BP reported back to me, saying that he'd had a server crash when trying to exit from Detroit Munitions. I'm going to try to verify that that's happening over here... it wasn't happening the last time I checked, but I've changed a ton of things since then. If I can verify the crash, I'll put up the latest Alpha build for folks to d/l, once I've fixed that problem...

Post Wed Nov 10, 2004 11:54 am

The server crash issue has been resolved... I had a bad solararch.ini entry or three, which have now been fixed. I'm going to take a look at replacing Detroit with something new, as a test case for replacing other Solars in the mod, and then I'll release Alpha 3.

Post Wed Nov 10, 2004 2:21 pm

Unfortunately my computer is too slow to run a server and play it at the same time, even if it is LAN.

Post Wed Nov 10, 2004 3:16 pm

Well, I'll see what I can do here. After the first big announcement, maybe somebody will be kind enough to put up an Alpha server. I take it that on your machine, it just plain chokes? BP didn't report having any serious problems, but then again, he probably has a fairly fast machine, like I do...

Post Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:44 am

my comp just freezes. i mean what do u expect with a 4 year old computer. i only have 128mb ram, for gods sake.

Post Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:55 am

Yeah, I'd imagine that's a pretty cruddy experience. Sorry that my mod won't work as both server and client under those conditions... I've been doing some work that should actually speed gameplay up and make things more efficient (it's mainly stuff that you can't see, but the engine is handling). Maybe that'll help... although with a machine that low-end, probably not, and unless you're running Windows 2000 or XP Home or higher, putting more RAM into it is a waste of time. Windows 98SE and ME will deal with 384MB of RAM, but it's not worth putting a dime into a machine with those obsolete OS's. Sorry to deliver a downer there... if you have XP Home, though... you can pick up 128MB sticks of 133Mhz SDRAM for $20 or so now, if you look around, and put another one in that old thing, which'd really give it a lot more life. For gaming, CPU speed is often less important than HD speed, RAM and(of course) the video card.

I'll see what I can do about getting someone to host a server when I release Alpha 3, and most of the technical challenges have all been met. Right now, the game's not even feature-complete in terms of code, let alone content

Post Thu Nov 11, 2004 12:08 pm

i do have win 2000 actually, although it was originally 98.

i came up with another soloution, i found some random server that nobody ever goes on (with no FLCD or mod protection) and tried playing the mod on that. i can see the Starflier and Rhino planes on manhattan (looks good) also i can see the regular patriot. unfortunately the game quits back to desktop when i try to launch from manhattan.

please start up that test server when alpha 3 is out.... i cant wait to play this.

meanwhile, if its not too much trouble, could you make a small mod that replaces the starflier and rhino with your planes and guns, so i (and others) can test the planes now?

Post Thu Nov 11, 2004 1:06 pm

Hmm... a "mini-mini-mod". Yeah, I could do that... I'll think about it. I'm back working on Alpha 3 now... getting ships to spawn correctly and such. It's definately a challenge

Post Thu Nov 11, 2004 1:16 pm


one thing i have to ask. will there be aircraft carriers?

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