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Better ships

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Post Sat Oct 30, 2004 6:32 am

Better ships

Ok I have been lurking around the site for awhile and have seen that most ships only have up to 8 guns and 2 torpedos. So I was thinking would anyone be willing to make a ship that 25 lvl 10 guns and 25 torpedos in it?

Post Sat Oct 30, 2004 11:04 am

first off, why?

second, it would probably crash the game, or make it horrendously slow. Plus what powerplant could handle that kind of drain? unless you modded that too.

why not just make the damage values higher, rather than adding additional guns?

C-in-C Wing Commander/Freelancer Crossover Project
E-mail: [email protected]
MSN: Same

Post Mon Nov 01, 2004 1:46 pm

yes you could do that but where is the fun of launching 25 starslayers at one battleship and watching it go up in smoke and fire or the ease of fireing all 25 guns at once only one time (provideing you hit the target) and blow it to heck and beyond.

As of right now I am challngeing anyone and everyone to make this mod come true.

NOTE:I didn't add this to my frist post but 25 turrets would be nice all lvl 10 of course.

Overkill is better than being killed.
Master Hybrisn the Warsmith

Post Fri Nov 12, 2004 2:05 pm

srry dude but i bet vary few if any one will take your challage. most people like to have a callage in the game but a ship that could kill all would suck. fi your so into haveing a ship that kills any thing it sees make it your self. theres some grate stuff for learing how to do it your self on this site.


p.s dont look behind u

Post Tue Dec 07, 2004 7:13 pm

I think server lag will be horrendous, make that guaranteed, only have to witness WTS mod for lag when firing 12 missile turrets off an Omega Destroyer. Nice idea but unworkable multiplayer for reasons above methinks

Post Wed Dec 08, 2004 9:37 am

Look at my post for the Star Wars: TOW mod. this includes capital ships from 100-1600m long, most of which have 32 guns.

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