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Post Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:57 pm


Well, Im working on a new mod project called Aegirs Enhancement Mod (Tempory name), Or ÆMod for short. Im trying to make a game ballancing mod like Victors MP Enhancement mod, Except delving into some experimental ideas I have cooked up and are working on. I am also making it extra lite, At first, No new ship models or anything crazy, But theres vast room for expansion, And a fork with new ship models is inevitable.

After some bad experiances with NU, I am making this mod open source, And any features implemented in ÆMod can be used by any mod authors, I have a Phprojekt groupware set up, And a forum, All at I dont care about all this crap about 'Stealing Features' and all that BS, No permission is needed to use somthing thats in ÆMod.

The mod is playable, But pretty bare, Im in the process of ballancing weapons, Then ballancing encounters. After that, A zipped version will be made and submitted to TLR, For now though, You can grab the files on the groupware using the account 'Guest', With the password 'guest'.

Feel free to drop into the rather newish forums and start discussion. Check out the notes on the groupware, And poke around in the source.

I look forward to seeing what can be acomplished .


That rolling guy.

Post Sun Oct 17, 2004 11:04 am

After some bad experiances with NU
News to me - its still not out! What was the bad experience?

Also - saying yours will be 'open source' - then you best not include anything anyone else wishes credit for or has already got out there either, because its not yours to give as 'open source' at all.

Only upon completely new stuff that you come up with that is not based upon anything else can you give the 'open source' idea going.

Post Sun Oct 17, 2004 3:20 pm

Hmmm, Yes, Good point Chips, Guess I hadnt really thought of that, Anyway, Everything thats being implemented is coded from scratch anyway, But yes, I will take that into account in case it crops up and causes problems later. If anyone adds somthing, They will get credit, Thats one thing I want to make sure of, But they'll have to get used to the idea that any other modder can use it.

Oh, And about New Universe, Its not my place to discuss it, So, Im not going to start bashing them here. Theres a doc in the Groupware regarding what happened.

Post Tue Oct 19, 2004 1:28 am

I worked on NU for a short time - but my mod took precidence over that, and in the end i didn't have enough time for it (considering when i first asked i was barely modding Evo 1.24 - let alone evo 1.27 when i actually got my first 'bit of work'.

I know the ships aren't for anyone else - which is fine, but never knew anything about any coding........

*edit* - oh, if you code player looting from still cannot then say 'open source'. The whole credits thing has been gone over alot - and its sorta coming down to whomever did it first gets the credit - whether you work it out on your own or not. Simple fact is because we could all say we did.....but there is the opportunity to have looked at someone elses work too...

Edited by - Chips on 10/19/2004 2:30:19 AM

Post Sat Oct 30, 2004 5:45 pm

Hmm, Very good point, Ill have to change the way this works to take that into account. Looks like I cant go for the original approach I was aiming for, But Ill work somthing out

Oh, And the new webiste and forums are up (Will get a new item on TLR shortly):

Sorry for the rather... Plain design of the website, Its coded by hand 100%, And I'm a tad new at HTML .

Post Fri Dec 03, 2004 3:54 pm

Well, I've made some progress, Shifted all the house weapons (In equip and goods) to their own files, I've made the house missile launchers. Now I just have to stick them on bases and do the rest of the weaps.

Oh, and the site is at:

Click here was being a hassle

I've decided to shift away from the uber open-source approach I originally wanted to implement. But people are still more than welcome to have a sticky-beak at what I'm doing.

That reminds me, I have to upload the latest copy to my site...

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