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New mod team we need plenty of modders REPLY ASAP (topic 2 f

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Post Tue Jun 15, 2004 10:38 am

New mod team we need plenty of modders REPLY ASAP (topic 2 f

Team DragonFire needs your help we are a new team of freelancer specialists, and we want you to join us for the summer project of a life time. We plan on making a mod like The Next Generation, and a mod like Freeworlds or Asylum 51 you know the large mods, ones with tons of new systems ships etc. We need your help we would like to finish this project by the end of the summer. I (Solid_Snake, Leader of Team DragonFire), has brough up a great idea to a friend who made a pc game called "Space Trader" You can download this game at, this is a 2d game much like freelancer, but it has ALOT of systems, but we do not have enough room for all these systems, if i counted right i think it had 122 systems. There is i think 10 ships in the game, and if you would like to help in making the most awesome mod to hit The Lancers Reactor, then we need the following type of people to help us. Currently we only have 2 members. He calls himself FrenchFryz, or something
of that variation, and of course me, Solid_Snake. We need the following type of modders.


2. Sound Makers

3. System Debuggers (MAJOR) we need xml makers for that.

4. Info card makers

5. Ship Makers for the ten ships that is in the Space Trader

6. uhhh we would like to borrow the designs for ships in Freeworlds and TNG, so if
there is any of the people on the Freeworlds team that is listening i would
like some ship donations please

7. We plan on using different ENGINES, except for the Regular Freelancer Ships,
they will use the regular

8. engines and power generators.

9. INI Editors and/or creators

10. Mission Makers

Thats IT! i am already literally writing down the specs for the systems. I think i have a list of 25 new systems, so we need plenty of xml and info card makers, and i need people to make missions for the bases in every system. So we need plenty of modders. WE NEED ALL THE HELP OUT THERE SO DONT BE AFRAID TO EMAIL ME OR TO TALK TO ME ON MSN MESSENGER. MY EMAIL IS REGISTERED FOR MSN MESSENGER, MY EMAIL IS [email protected].


"A strong man doesnt need to read the future, he makes his own..." -Psycho Mantis from Metal Gear Solid

Edited by - Solid_Snake on 6/15/2004 11:38:09 AM

Post Tue Jun 15, 2004 10:39 am

Thats IT! i am already literally writing down the specs for the systems. I think i have a list of 25 new systems, so we need plenty of xml and info card makers, and i need people to make missions for the bases in every system. So we need plenty of modders. WE NEED ALL THE HELP OUT THERE SO DONT BE AFRAID TO EMAIL ME OR TO TALK TO ME ON MSN MESSENGER. MY EMAIL IS REGISTERED FOR MSN MESSENGER, MY EMAIL IS [email protected].

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