Hostile Universe is not a free ride for other mod makers.
Several mod makers are currently Ripping of Hostile Universe without first asking permission to use My or Kurgans work or even giving credit for the work they have stolen. Lancers Reactors news page is the only page you need read to see what mod makers are ripping off Hostile Universe and claiming the work as their own.
Hostile Universe is not a free ride for other mod makers. If you want to use model or a feature I made then email me first.
I do not bite (expect when annoyed, like now) and I can keep you informed of bug fixes that way so your mod works and does not crash out all the time. Which reminds me. Dan and TFK-Killermatrix are going to get one update shortly.
Lastly, you will be told which parts I definately don't want others using. Eg the parts that make Hostile Universe different from other mods (and i dont mean ships here).
Trust me when I say you really dont want to get on my bad side when my good side is so generous.