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New Babylon-Mod V3.06

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Post Sat May 31, 2003 1:12 am

New Babylon-Mod V3.06

jo hi

the new Mod Version of Babylon 5 V3.06 is online

when you install this mod then make a new install from Freelancer and a new account on the babylon 5 server

by questions ask me on my Board .

cu then


7 new ships are includet

shadow / scout / hybrid / fighter ( create by TFK )
vorlon / dreadnaught / transporter ( create by TFK )
startrel / voyager / defaint ( create by Hunterkiller )

a bug fixed by bretonia battleship
and Boron on planet pittsburg
and two dockrings changed for freeport 5 and 9

ok i have fixed a bug with planet Kosh

and changed 9 new npc encounter ships

shadow / scout / fighter / hybrid
vorlon / drreadnaught / transporter
earth / omega destroyer
startrek / voyager / defaint

Edited by - TFK-Killermatrix on 18-06-2003 20:26:16

Post Sat May 31, 2003 2:14 am

ok one what did u mean by new install

and two is it flmm compatable


Post Sat May 31, 2003 11:47 am

jo hi

the mod is not compatible with flmm
that is to big and very changed.

the new install from freelancer is not importantly
but when crasht the game is thats a alternate.

ok cu then


Post Sat May 31, 2003 11:52 am

Does the whitestar actually work this time?

If I had a nickel for every time someone told me that my idea for melting down coins to make a giant robotic parrot was a bad idea, I would have one kicka$$ giant robotic parrot.

Post Sat May 31, 2003 12:02 pm

jo hi ,

the White Star is not changed, i have a other sur file installed.
but is that is not what i changed , install the new mod and play the in the new sektor with the white star vs shadow and other encountr ships.

cu then


Post Sat May 31, 2003 12:06 pm

jo hi ,

that is what i changed .

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 new ships angel; tie_fighter; dralthi; Shadow; White Star; Brakiri; Tie Defende; Tie Interceptor; Falcon; Vorlon Fighter; Omega Destroyer; Vorlon Planeten Killer; Hercules Fighter; Valk Fighter; Erinyes Fighter;
Serapis Fighter; Aeshma Fighter; HW_T_L_INT Fighter; HW_T_H_INT Fighter; Klingon Destroyer; FCXWING Fighter;
Centurion Fighter; Hellcat Fighter; Hornet Fighter; Thunderbolt Fighter; Vindicator Fighter;A-Wing Fighter;
Slave Fighter; B-Wing Fighter; Correlian Corvette; Jedi Starfighter; Starfury; Cargo; Cargo2; Cylon Fighter;
Viper; LDP4; FEDEX; Phoenix; Nail; Thunderbolt; Sith Infiltrator
- 6 battleships
- 3 cruisers
- 6 transporter
- 32 fighter
- 10 systeme (with Bases planets and a lot of dogfights)
- 12 jumpgates
- 4 jumpholes
- 4 Phaser Weapon (green, yellow, red, blue)
- Dockrings on all Statioins
- rankingsystem tolevel 40
- Cruisespeed to 3000
- a lot of little balance changes
- 1 Encounter Battleship (Nomads Flotte, in the Nomads Systems)
- 1 Encounter Ships (Rheinland, Kusari Battleship,
Rheinland Cruiser, Rheinland Gunboat, Kusari Gunboat,
Starfury, Thunderbolt, Viper, Cylonen, White Star,
Vorlon Fighter, Vorlon PK, Nail, Shadowcrab )
- Alaska ,Alien ,Omicron Minor ,Omicron Major ,Orion ,New Berlin ,Omicron Alpha ,
- 7 New Systems ( Hyperspace ,Earth Allianz ,Minbari Föderation ,Centauri Republik ,
Narn Regime ,Vorlon Imperium ,Shadow Empirer )
will be accessible through Babylon-5 System
- 6 new fraction (NARN, Volornen, Centauri, Earth Allianz, Minbari, Shadow)
- all Planets are destructable (use Vorlon Planetkiller)

Locations of new ships

Rheinland Cruiser ( Planet New Berlin System Berlin )
Liberty Cruiser ( Planet New London system )
Nomads Battleship ( Planet Endpoint ,Orion System )(Das Schiff kann nur durch Jumpholes fliegen)
Osiris Battleship ( Planet Babylon-5 ,Babylon-5 System )
Britonia Battleship ( Planet Pittsburg ,New York System )
Large Train ( Planet Endpoint ,Orion System )
Armored Transport ( Planet Hamburg ,Hamburg System )
Nomads Fighter ( Station Outlaw ,Babylon-5 System )
TIE Fighter ( Planet Malta ,Omicron Alpha System )
Dralthi Fighter ( Battleship Westpfahlen ,Hamburg System )
Angel Fighter ( Station Cadiz Base ,Omega 5 System )
Shadow Fighter ( Planet Los Angeles ,California System )
White Star Cruiser ( Planet Kurile ,Sigma-17 System )
Brakiri Battleship ( Planet Baden Baden ,Stuttgart System )
Tie Defender ( Planet Harris ,Tau 31 System )
Tie Interceptor ( Planet Holstein ,Frankfurt System )
Vorlon Planeten Killer ( Planet Honshu ,Honshu System )
Falcon ( Planet Stuttgart ,Stuttgart System )
Vorlon Fighter ( Station Leon Base ,Omega 41 System )
Omega Destroyer ( Plant Denver ,Colorado System )
Hercules Fighter ( Battleship Missouri ,New York System )
Valk Fighter ( Station Buffalo Base ,New York System )
Erinyes Fighter ( Station Rochester Base ,New York System )
Serapis Fighter ( Station California Minor ,California System )
Aeshma Fighter ( Battleship Yukon ,California System )
HW_T_L_INT Fighter ( Station Alcatraz Depot ,California System )
HW_T_H_INT Fighter ( Battleship Rio Grande ,Colorado System )
Klingon Destroyer ( Battleship Mississippi ,Texas System )
FCXWING Fighter ( Station Bruchsal Base ,Frankfurt System )
Centurion Fighter ( Battleship Essex ,Dublin System )
Hellcat Fighter ( Battleship Norfolk ,Cambridge System )
Hornet Fighter ( Station Sheffield ,Manchester System )
Thunderbolt Fighter ( Station Mactan Base ,Magellan System )
Vindicator Fighter ( Station Vogtland Base ,Dresden System )
A-Wing Fighter ( Battleship York ,Leeds System )
Slave Fighter ( Station Arranmore Base ,Dublin System )
B-Wing Fighter ( Planet Curacao ,Cortez System )
Correlian Corvette ( Battleship Nagumo ,Kyushu SYstem )
Jedi Starfighter ( Station Freistadt Base ,Omega 7 System )
Starfury ( Planet Earth ,Earth Allianz System )
Cargo ( Planet Earth ,Earth Allianz System )
Cargo2 ( Planet Mercury ,Earth Allianz System )
Cylon Fighter ( Planet Narn ,Narn Regime System )
Viper ( Planet Narn ,Narn Regime System )
LDP4 ( Planet Mars ,Earth Allianz System )
FEDEX ( Planet Narn ,Narn Regime System )
Phoenix ( Planet Mercury ,Earth Allianz System )
Nail ( Planet Minbar ,Minbari Föderation System )
Thunderbolt ( Planet Moon ,Earth Allianz System )
Sith Infiltrator ( Planet Centauri Prime ,Centauri Republik System )


cu then


Post Sat May 31, 2003 3:15 pm

Good work.

I was wondering what happened to the B5 mod.

BTW did you use the models from V5 of HU ?
I ask because because V5 has all the textures fixed, V4 had problems.
It looks like you did so you should be ok.

It would have been nice for you to ask first, I was expecting you to ask at some point and you would have got an okay from me anyway. I hope you have not used any of my systems, those are what make HU different and one thing I am not willing to let others use.


Edited by - giskard on 31-05-2003 16:21:13

Post Sat May 31, 2003 3:31 pm

I hope FLMM makers make somethign so i can use the babylon mod ....i'm so noobish you could buy me fresh


Post Sat May 31, 2003 4:54 pm

I think the B5 mod is suffering the same things my mod is. So many badly installed games resulting in bug reports. I dont blame them. Its not the mod managers, it the users not knowing how to use them thats at fault.

A clean install prevents all that.


Post Mon Jun 02, 2003 12:16 am

jo hi

i have found a bug and fixed this get the new mod update V3.01
the bug was in the shiparch.ini with a shipdealer on planet mercury

ok get the new version and play again
the link is on the top of the topic here

cu then


Post Mon Jun 02, 2003 5:16 am


Next time please give credit where it is due. It's obvious you incorperated ALOT of stuff from other mods, including my own and didn't even bother to give ANY credit at all in the readme or anywhere. You didn't even give credit to ANY of the original ship creators.

In case you don't know there is a serious problem with the all the docking rings that you are not aware of, but probably will be shortly. I was fixing it in the new mod, but it's not fixed yet.

Also I would appreciate it if you DO NOT include any of the stuff from the beta of my new mod that you have. I only gave a limited number of people access to that and I am not finished with it and it still has alot of bugs.
Tutorials, Utilties, Mods, and much more.

Edited by - Reynen on 02-06-2003 06:17:39

Post Mon Jun 02, 2003 1:34 pm

jo hi

ok nach so viel negativer kritik stelle ich ab heute das mod nicht mehr online zu veerfügung, bisher tat ich dies um eine möglichkeit zu geben alle in der community befindlichen features unter einem Dach zu vereinen. und dies dann der Community wieder zugeben. wenn sich dadurch der eine oder andere auf dem fuß getretten fühlt dann tut es mir leid , ich stelle meine schiffe auch hier online und jeder kann sie frei zu uncomerzeilen zwecken benutzen , daher es fragt mich auch keiner ob er die white star FLMM compatible machen kann oder ob sie in anderen mod s eingebaut werden dürfen . es wird trotzdem getan weil mir das egal , gerade weil ich es online stelle.
ich verfolge mit meinem mod auch keinen comerzielen zweck . für mich ist es nur euin hobby mehr nicht . desweiteren werde ich alle schiffe die ich hier finde auch weiterhin in mein mod hinzufügen aber dies wird dann nur noch von wenigen auf meinem server benutzbar sein . da er ab heute passwort geschützt wird. wer also weiterhin interesse hat bei mir zu zocken und den ganzen umfang aus der community geniesen will der kann mir eine e-mail schreiben.

das ich hier einige schiffe aus der community mit einbeziehe liegt ja wohl ganz offen auf der hand jeder will das seine schiffe größtmöglichen absatz finden. auch bei meinen schiffe ist das so . deswegen setze ich sie auch ein. ein jedder der das auch tut denkt im sinne der community. und wenn einige dabei sind die meinen das es falsch ist dann kann ich nur sagen dann stellt es hier erst garnicht online und somit können keine problemme auftreten.

zum zweiten bezieht sich das mod nicht unbedingt auf meinen server , jeder der davon ahnung hat wie man einen server einrichten kann kann dieses auch mit meinem mod machen. (ich gebe keinen server support)

da ich selber sehr viel zeit darin investiere das mod zu erweitern und auch eingene features darin einzubauen , sollte ein jeder sich selber mal fragen warum er das hier macht . und ob es klug ist nur negative kritik auszuüben.

ok und jetzt könnt ihr meinent wegen auf mich einschlagen , nur ich vertrette meine meinung hier und stehe voll dahinter. wer sich dadurch trotzdem genötigt fühlt das ich seine schiffe einbaue der kann es mir persönlich antragen und ich werde sie entfernen. und ein mod ohne seine schiffe online stellen.

aber wie ich schon sagte es war mein letztes mod hier für die community.

da ich den betrieb ab heute nur noch einem engeren kreis zur verfügung stellen werde.

cu then


wers nicht übersetzen kann hat pech gehabt der sollte aber den link hier benutzen. translate

PS wer rechtschreibfehler findet kann sie behalten :-D

ach ja warum ich nicht in english schreibe liegt auf der hand , mein english ist BESCHISSEN, um auszudrücken was ich sagen will.

Edited by - TFK-Killermatrix on 02-06-2003 15:06:37

Post Tue Jun 03, 2003 2:57 am

Kein problem. Ich sprechenzie ein bison deutsch.

Es tute mir Leid. Fer dich FYI, Ich counte keine lizense.txt gefunden.

Es liegt das programm nicht ich nachgeladen.

Oh well...Davon geht die Welt nicht unter.

Auch, daß Übersetzung Aufstellungsort eine schreckliche Zeit mit Deutsch-Englischem hat, ist dieses was es sagte, wenn es oben Ihr Material übersetzte, es ist eine gute Sache, die ich verstehe, daß dann ich spreche.


No Problem. I speak a little german.

I am sorry. Just an FYI, but I could not find the lizense.txt.

It was not in the program I downloaded.

Oh well, It's not the end of the world.

Also that translation site has a horrible time with German to English, this is what it said in translating your stuff above, it's a good thing I understand more then I speak.


to ok after so much negative criticism I place mod the no longer on-line too veerfuegung, so far did from today on I this around a possibility to give all in community the features present under a roof to unite and this then the Community again admit if thereby or other on the foot GET-SAVE myself feel then do it to me wrong, I place my sail also here on-line and everyone can her freely for uncomerzeilen purposes use, therefore it ask me also none whether he the white star FLMM compatible make can or whether her into others mod s to be built to be allowed. it nevertheless done because me that no matter, straight because I it on-line place I pursue with mine mod also no comerzielen purpose. for me it is only euin hobby more not. furthermore will I all sails which I find here also further into mine mod to add however this then from few on my server will only be usable. since it is from today on protected password who thus further interest has with me to to zocken and which whole extent from community to geniesen wants that can me email write.

which I some sail from community also include am probably completely openly obvious to everyone want its here sail greatest possible paragraph to find also with my sail am like that. therefore I set it jedder a that also also do think in reflect community. and if some thereby mean those are it are wrong then can I only say then place it on-line and thus to be able no here only not problemme to arise.

to second mod necessarily to my server, everyone does not refer that of it notion has like one a server to furnish can can this also with mine mod make (I do not give a server to support)

there I very much time therein invest mod to extend and also in genes features into it build, should everyone times ask why he that make myself here. and whether it is intelligent only negative criticism to exercise.

ok and can hit you meinent because of on me, only I vertrette now my opinion here and stand fully behind it who thereby feels nevertheless forced which I its sails insert that can it me personally offer and I will remove and mod without its sail it for on-line to place.

but as I already said it was my the latter mod here for community. since I operated a closer circle will from today on only make available.

cu do not then TFK Killermatrix wers to translate can have pitch had that should however that left here use translate HP who spelling mistakes find can it kept to:-D

oh why I not in english write lie on the hand, mine english are BESCHISSEN to express over which I to say want.
Tutorials, Utilties, Mods, and much more.

Edited by - Reynen on 03-06-2003 04:10:38

Post Tue Jun 03, 2003 12:24 pm

Reynen and other Modders...
Install the Babylon 5 Mod and then look in you Freelancer Directory you will find a file named info.txt from Killermatrix in this File, He gives Credit too all Modders and at the end of it...:

Thx for help from all MODDER from the community on the TLR SITE !!!

I think this is what you are missing, isnt it?

Edited by - Gamefaq on 03-06-2003 13:26:14

Post Tue Jun 03, 2003 12:59 pm

Ich spreche deutsch, aber nicht gut deutsch.
Meine Englishe ist viel besser.

Allright let's quit the German games, credits or not credits I understand your frustration but calm down, I feel that a mod like this is good and as I have understood now it was all about somebody who misread.
For thoose who wants to translate it use a little bit better, and supports my mother tonque as well, just as complicated as German, grammar vise.

So let us remain calm take a deep breath and continiue on english and lets have fun playing now.
Sweeper out

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