suggestions for reynens mod
1. dockable battleships by small ships (even if it where just black it'dd still be very usefull/cool) i know i know if the bs dies the server may crash then but i think u can figure something out+the server already crashes a lot (and autoreboots (b[tch server))
2. spred the ships more
3. make ships more expensive
4. explain what omicron minor and major are for
5. make some use of unknown systems and omicrons
6. some better use for the 8 gun mounts my lib dr has :/
7. make 450k missions be harder than 8k (not that u can finnish them with 1 battleshot missile salvo)
8. something to do once u got a battleship
9. like defend liberty from a REALLIVE attack on mahatten (and not that they turn away 10k away)
10. make the guns on stations weaker :/
11. remove the valkery it makes the server crash/lag with its torps
12. make the train a bit weaker
13. nomad fighter
14. special base for nomad stuff (in unknown)
15. liberty stuff only sells in liberty, rhineland stuff only in rhineland etc
16. make bs strafe a bit faster so you dont always have to take the second lane port
17. make some of the docking rings killable (they dont die now, just run outta life)
18. battleship turrets on tie fighters :-/?
19. keep the good stuff going , your mod is THE best
20. <add some suggestions>
21. <add some suggestions>
22. <add some suggestions>