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Creating 6 New systems complete w wrecks and loot!-- Updated

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Post Tue May 27, 2003 10:51 am

Hey Silver Knight, What happened?
Poor u.
I have for the first system:
75% placing stuff and getting it to work
0% working on rumors and selling items.
35% on getting ship to follow routes.
Seeing this is a one man team, and I am loaded down with school work too so as Isaid it will take awhile.

Post Tue May 27, 2003 1:05 pm

Hey, I have to go to school in about 20 Minutes.... so I will make it quick... I would be glad to help with some of the stuff if you would be willing to let me... you know the drill... well I got to go cya!

Your Friend,
[TK}Silver Knight

"Is it a bird? Is it an elephant? No! It's a Kusari Freighter! Flap harder or we'll never get airborne!"

Edited by - [TKSilver Knight on 27-05-2003 14:06:24

Post Tue May 27, 2003 3:58 pm

Add some Pirate bases and Jumpholes. Try to make buyable Transports (try to get them with shields)


Post Tue May 27, 2003 11:07 pm

If you need any help with equipment editing you can ask me.... I know you are capable, just if you don't feel like doing all of the work on your own....

Post Wed May 28, 2003 2:26 am

lol, Silver Knight.
Weeeeellllll. Heretic. seeing that the Libertians are angry about the Zoners and have only learnt that they actually pose more of a threat, lets just say youll see conflicts between Liberty patrols in Omnicron Theta.
Parabolic , Yes your help in that departemnt would be very much appreciated.

Post Wed May 28, 2003 2:47 am

Also Silver Knight I Am not sure what you are good at modding, so you will have to tell me.

Post Wed May 28, 2003 3:08 am

So why not throw in some cosairs......or whoever hates Zoners AND Liberty..... be a great conflict. ^^


Post Wed May 28, 2003 1:36 pm

I am reall good at adding stuff to maps, changing buying locations, makeing new systems, and the best way to get rid of the threat by libery, is to get rid of the potrals... -.- I thought you would know what much... I could delete the liberty potral, in all the threatened zones!

Post Wed May 28, 2003 2:10 pm

I dont Understand you. You appear to be saying to get rid of the Libertians jumphole??
WHat you could do for me SIlver Knight is create a Liberty system Near Omnicron Theta, that is controlled by the Liberty Navy. Make it have a shipyard and other things so it looks like a military system
It will be enitrely popluated by libertians. If you make the system that will be great. If you are going to make original names on the bases (which I would expect then put the base numer for eg Li06_01 - blabla base
I have to go now , ill post more later.

Post Wed May 28, 2003 4:37 pm

Sure i Can Do that...
But what I ment by getting Rid of patrol
is, delete there Paths so they dont fly
that way... do you get what I am saying

Any Ways....
Yes I need A Most Recent Copy of your mod...
and you shouldn't edit any thing else untill I am
Finished, eh he... just one thing... I forgot how
to add jump gates and jumphole... one does
any one know how to add jumpholes and jumpgates?

if you do Send me an Email... [email protected]
send me the mod as well when your ready... ok cya...
I am having parabolix create me a weapon... may be
with his promission... you could add it to the mod
Now really... I got to Go this time... Got to take a Piss

Post Wed May 28, 2003 4:42 pm

ok I am back... I have noticed somthing...
There isnt any Female Player(s), Well not
to my Knowledge any ways... maybe
you should make it to where you can
choose to be Man or Woman... That
Would Be pritty cool... but.. that would
be hard as ****... seeing how you need
to change out all the voices... like say

Your a Guy. The story line would stay the
same but if you where a female.. you would
be juni... and trent would take her place as
LSF Commander... but then you would have
to alter all the voices and crap... damn it
you would need a voice modder for that job!!

Edited by - [TKSilver Knight on 28-05-2003 17:42:49

Post Wed May 28, 2003 7:17 pm

I bet there are some people here who are both.

and why do you type your replies like poems?


Post Wed May 28, 2003 9:36 pm

Hey Hair Tic... can I ask you a question?... any ways... how about a nice big glass of SHUT THE **** UP! Sit down and Shut it!

Edited by - [TKSilver Knight on 28-05-2003 22:36:55

Post Thu May 29, 2003 2:54 am

Now boys, be nice.
Silver Knight, I will send you the mod when it is at a playable stage. I have many things to do before I finish the first system. If you could, please just create the Liberty system first.
Heretic , there will be corsairs, BUT they will not be attacking the zoners. More likely I will include jump holes to the corsair and outcast homeworld. So you will posssibly see skirmishes between them in zoners space.

Post Thu May 29, 2003 9:23 pm

wow people cant take jokes....and btw its spelled Heretic foo.


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