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Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 2:45 am

I was just reading through and I noticed someone commenting about transparant cockpits. This is real easy to do. All you need to do is make a texture specifically for the window. To do this load up a program capable of making transparent images, for instance I use Photoshop 7.0 and follow this procedure. If you have Photoshop 7.0 you can follow along and it will basically make itself.

First, make a new image that is a fare size, say 400X300. When you create it be sure you move the dot under the CONTENTS heading to "Transparent" from whatever it's on. Now, you should have something like this;

Now, go to your paint and select a color that you want for the glass. If you want it to be black, choose something a little bit greyer than total black. If you want white choose something a little greyer than white. Now click the FILL tool and click anywhere on the picture. You should endup with something like this;

Now, under the LAYER menu there is an option there for LAYER STYLE. Put your mouse on that and a side menu will appear. Select the BLENDING OPTIONS command and what we're now looking for is the slider in the GENERAL BLENDING box that's labeled OPACITY. Slide it back 1/3 of the bar and then hit OK... Now you should have your transparent texture looking much like this;

Now all you have to do is go to FILE, SAVE, and save it as a TGA. It will "yell" at you saying it can only save a copy of the image, just ignore that. Now all you have to do is open your MAT file and add the texture there. Oh, and don't forget to add the texture in Milkshape as you normally do. Here's an example, my Lambda shuttle, of how the transparancy will look.

BTW, now that your cockpit is transparent, you might wanna add a pilot and a few more details.


Fortune favors the strong mind.


Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 8:04 am

great work

Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 10:00 pm

just wondering if you have a set a date on when you realease this mod...

cause i can wait to get my hands on it...


Post Fri Apr 18, 2003 1:57 pm

not yet friend but its getting close, very close i now have four of the ships in and working fine. the web site wil be update in the next few days with the new ships in development and some screenies of the finished ones. the adonis has been re-skinned and looks amazing, the Hornet is finished is offically now my favorite ship ever. plus we have some great wip models coming. so just a little longer okay

Post Fri Apr 18, 2003 7:05 pm

yai wauz just wonderin if u got those models i sent u?

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