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FLstat Beta v1.5

Here SysOps can list their MultiPlayer server info and users can send feedback to their SysOps. Or just talk about the MultiPlayer servers they play on. This is not about MultiPlayer in general - please use the MultiPlayer Forum for that!

Post Wed Mar 01, 2006 3:59 pm

FLstat Beta v1.5

Here's a Beta version of FLstat v1.5. It includes some features and improvements that went into Beta v2.0, which never got released.

Changes in v1.5 (beta)
- no longer outputs character filenames as HTML comments, to preserve player's privacy.
- has new -sort option: Rank (default), Kills, Money, Time, Login. See new-update.cmd for example usage.
- actual server name and capacity is embedded as HTML comment (for Global Rankings).
- removed -pos option - column is always present.
- default -nice option to 10.

1. Download <<< click this link!
2. Extract FLstat.exe into your usual directory.
3. Read v1.5-notes.txt and new-update.cmd, and customise as necessary.

Important Notes:
- if anyone feels that they really DO need the character filenames, then please let me know. I'll can add an option for it.
- this version has not been thoroughly tested, and may not be compatible with the Global Rankings.
- please don't redistribute this beta version - I'll do a proper release when it is ready.
- please keep me informed about your testing and experiences: flstat (at)

Cheers, Cryo.

Cryogenius - Author of FLstat v1.4 and the Global Player Rankings

Edited by - Cryogenius on 3/1/2006 4:00:09 PM

Post Tue Mar 07, 2006 5:10 am

- no longer outputs character filenames as HTML comments, to preserve player's privacy.

As a ex server admin, thats one option I wouldn't want. It wouldn't stop players hidding behind alts if they are out to abuse/break the rules of the Sever / Clans or Groups.

if a server has a hourly stats/online output, then if html its easy to check who a player is, so adding redundancy to any player joining/exit logging that the server has So if you get a player that has made a new character that causes problems and the logs get corrupted/fail then oe method lost to check who it was for a possible character ID temp/perm ban.

So would say add a option to turn it off, default being on.

Post Fri Mar 17, 2006 1:43 pm

Wouldn't it be better to leave the cheat detection to other tools, like IFSO?


Post Sat Mar 18, 2006 7:04 am

IFSO / FLAC etc did and possibly stil do crash so loosing that data. So it's an undocumented Feature of your stat utility I did use regularly to track players that made new characters to cause problems Usually if I was just at my PC while not using a remote connection to monitor IFSO/FlAC so watching the players online via the html output.

Post Sat Mar 18, 2006 11:58 pm

Would it be possible to implement a switch that when used, players with certain tags (like server-police and / or admins) won't show up on the rankings? The switch could make FLstat parse a simple textfile containing user editable tags of those groups and players not to be shown on the list.

I feel it's kinda unfair when server police and admins edit their cash and rise up in the rankings almost instantly, and normal players have to do it all manually. This is from both an admins and a players point of view.

Post Tue Mar 21, 2006 5:03 am

I accept that the character codes in the HTML are a useful feature, so I will consider making this an option.
I think I can easily supress admin account in the same way banned accounts are; i.e. an empty file in the character's directory called 'hidden' or something. Crazy from DFLS did something very similar.
Thanks for the feedback - keep it coming!

Post Tue Mar 21, 2006 8:25 am

One thing I would like is the ability to pull more detailed stats. ike every stat from the F8 screen.

Post Wed Mar 22, 2006 1:41 am

I'm afraid to say that having a file named 'hidden', or any other account-wide trigger for that matter, in a players's account is a rather bad idea for the filter to be based on. This would not only cause the admin / server police chars to not show up on the list, but all normal chars in that account as well.

Edited by - Preacher0815 on 3/22/2006 1:42:27 AM

Post Wed Apr 26, 2006 2:38 pm

After considering the feedback I've had so far, I have released v1.5 (beta 2) .
>>> Click here.

The new feature to suppress the File: comment from the HTML code has been moved into the option -nofile.
I've also fixed the bug where &45; appears in place of '-' character.

Let me know how you guys get on...


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