Hiya Ceasar, there's quite a few. I'm currently playing on IONCROSS and it's challenging to say the least. It's more like rebalanced playing with the original equip from freelancer made available to all. IE: Battlecruiser for 29Mil, Champion shield for 300+K, you must be friendly to buy commodities, etc. The mod is called Victor's MP Enhancement Mod 1.62. Great mod, that’s how Freelancer should have been released IMO.
Check the details of IONCROSS at
BTW the Admin is quite helpful and friendly.
The other I would recommend is A1 Freelancer; if you want to check out the StarWars ships, new system, mini Borg ship and all that fun stuff. I don’t remember the website address but it’s on the server description. (I’m too lazy to check it
There was also Freeport 9 with a good admin but I haven’t seen it in a while. I hope everything is going good for Drepanon.
So if you see me in IONCROSS say hi. I’ll be there for the next few days.
Finnally, I hope I’m going to make it to the event on Browclopsia Sunday. Life has a bad habit of interfering with my gaming.
Lazy Boy
I'm not a complete idiot.
I'm missing parts!