And my loadout was: Lvl6 molecular shield, one Vengeance MK II, one Magma Hammer Mk II, one Debilitator, and one Catapult missile launcher. As stated earlier, I plan "To quest to find a better, not sucky(tm) loadout."
Actually, I was pretty much ignored until I went up against Stikfas. Sure, I got a few glancing blows (which took out my shield). Then it was just a matter of staying perpendicular to Justinian, then wearing down Stikfas.
Something funny is that I forgot to load up on shield bats/bots, so I entered with only 13 each. I ran out of shield batteries quite quickly.
Anyway, it was a fun time. Fun fun.
Hrmm... for tourney ideas? How about a cash limit? Say you only give out 100k, and the players have a couple hours to go around and buy a ship/loadouts.
And I concur about the Alaska jumpgate being one of the best NPC-free spots. You can post 'sentinels' at the entrance for the money fee, and to make sure nobody gets in without paying.
wait a minute... 100 000k entry fee? $100 000 000?
Edit: Oh, and for modding a system to be NPC-free, that would mean editing .ini's, and I'm not sure many people want to do that.
Why make your own mistakes when someone else has already made them for you?
-Learn from the skeletons floating in the piranha pool: NO SWIMMING!
Edited by - Whasp Commander on 12-09-2003 22:34:30