Couldn't get Win2k to work after three days of trying. Could easily be the service packs as I wouldn't install flserver until everything was set up to date on the OS side. It was a while back but I think the problem was something to do with the network and permissions and such. Don't quote me, it was two months ago.
I am seeing more Win2k setups working and I haven't got any answers on another FL forum (yeah, I know, I should have posted only here! Hehe!). Maybe I'll switch over the OS again.
Also something else I have seen on my current flserver setup (WinXP SP1, Athlon XP 1800+, 512 MB RAM). I run ZoneAlarm. When I have a lot of people on (the amount varies) and CPU utilization peaks at 100%, I find Zonealarm nearly utilizes nearly 25% of the CPU! Maybe this would be less on a Win2k OS in conjunction with SP4. I have a problem running any M$ OS without a firewall checking what's going OUT as well as what's coming in. This is obviously in conjunction with a hardware firewall - I like being careful. As for the flserver high loading, unfortunently Opterons are too expensive right now.
Opps. Forgot to add that I have both the flserver patch and LancerGuard. The only change I have seen is flserver doesn't crash within 3 hours. Very nice. Now only if enough people would log on to test everything else....
SysAdmin of Boston Freelancer server {RN}
Edited by - Earendil on 03-07-2003 15:36:35