Status update: Last Friday I got an alpha version of FLServerSyncher working! Here's how it currently works: The tool is run on a server, and it puts or gets files off of a good old FTP server. I originally had the tool checking modified dates on files to see what has changed between the client's and the ftp server's files, but that was turning to be way to difficult. So, I've decided on MD5 checksums, and have done quite a few optimizations to make it work well. The program will also only run every 5 or 10 minutes, so it should be nice to your bandwidth and CPU usage. Right now I don't know how long it will take every time it is run, because I've been on vacation since last Saturday and won't be getting back until this Saturday (I'm using a public library computer now). Since it uses a regular FTP server, there shouldn't be any worries about security or performance.
So, expect me contacting a few of you within the next couple weeks with a beta version needing testing
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