Bandwith research (for servers with limited bandwith)
Maybe you already knew but if you hosting on a limited connection, this could be good info...
I will be straightforwarded: I host the europremium server on a 512/128kbit connection. Should be enough to cover 9 players. I guess I am not the only one hosting on such a connection with limited players.
Now I checked my upload connection when my server was not hosting anyone and it still showed a lot of uploaded bytes a second. (really with no players!). I installed a sniffer to watch the data that was being sent and all packages were 63 and 489bytes long continuesly.
What the **** I thought. They have hacked my server into a Kazaa ghost , I thought. NOT the case.
Flserver.exe is sending a package of 63 bytes to everyone that is looking for a multiplayer server or refreshes his list. Well, no problem there. Then I researched the packages of 489 long!! This is what was send continuesly:
.......X...4...........................>j.ˆ¯?!A»Hˆò/•.ê&ð?¦ð&WN¬ ìøhä?!..E.u.r.o.p.r.e.m.i.u.m. .2.4./.7. .S.e.r.v.e.r.....1:1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx:M.o.r.e. .i.n.f.o.r.m.a.t.i.o.n. .o.n. .w.w.w...g.e.o.c.i.t.i.e.s...c.o.m./.e.u.r.o.p.r.e.m.i.u.m... .T.h.i.s. .s.e.r.v.e.r. .i.s. .p.a.s.s.w.o.r.d. .p.r.o.t.e.c.t.e.d. .t.o. .t.o.o. .m.a.n.y. .c.h.e.a.t.e.r.s. .b.e.f.o.r.e... .P.e.n.t.i.u.m. .2...5.3.!.....‚
Packages of 489 bytes. Continuesly on my 128kbit upload connection
So I made my servername discription shorter and nearly no server discription left.
.......X..."...........................x±JîRQ#A¥$.ô\3>~&ð?¦ð&WN¬ ìøhä?!..E.u.r.o.p.r.e.m.i.u.m.2.4./.7...1:1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx:g.e.o.c.i.t.i.e.s...c.o.m./.e.u.r.o.p.r.e.m.i.u.m.....n. .w
now my server sends packages of 281bytes instead of 489 continuesly. Decrease of 200bytes a package. Still too much but it, it is better.
These packages are NOT send only to players that click on your server!! Really to anyone who activates the 'search for multiplayer servers' list. So more and more packages are going to be send in the feature (more online players)
I decreased upload traffic with lots of bytes a second only with changing servername and serverdiscription in flserver.exe
Could be a good hint for you too if you have limited bandwith...
Edited by - Europremium-OP-R8R on 26-05-2003 21:43:28
Edited by - Europremium-OP-R8R on 26-05-2003 22:26:08