24/7 Seattle Based Breaks 4500 Accounts
Though sorry to say, that it is basically going into mateniance mode at least until I get my hands on the patch. I will keep a watch out for cheaters, and as always, I recommend you not take more than a couple thousand creds from someone early on or else you may get flagged as a cheater and be banned as such.
Sorry, but I have to be strict in order to keep the server as clean as I can.
Also, I can't "invetigate" all potential cheaters as much as I would like due to the shear # of accounts present on my server.
Lately we have had a few "bad eggs" on my server. I appologize, but also admit that for the time being this is out of my control. When the patch comes along, based on what I have seen form the DA server and the one Elite server, things will be a lot better.
Visit my server
24/7 Seattle Based
[email protected]