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Server Install Only HELP!!

Here SysOps can list their MultiPlayer server info and users can send feedback to their SysOps. Or just talk about the MultiPlayer servers they play on. This is not about MultiPlayer in general - please use the MultiPlayer Forum for that!

Post Tue Mar 25, 2003 11:44 pm

Server Install Only HELP!!

I've got a Dual PII 266 NT 4.0 Server that I was wanting to try to run the server on. I try the setup but it keeps giving me errors about color/sound and then says it needs a minimum of a PII 600 to operate but will continue... nothing ever happens after that. Is there a way to install this server without going thru the whoopla. I'm sure that the machine can handle the load of just serving but I can't get it to install, please help.

Post Wed Mar 26, 2003 1:01 am

actually... i dunno if that would be able to handle being a server... a dual 266? hmm... seems like the server keeps track of EVERY npc ship like where they are going and everything, then also has to keep track of every player ship...

but... uhh... i dunno how to bypass the error messages... sorry...

Post Wed Mar 26, 2003 1:05 am

Yeah, it might not run it for many people or not at all, but I just want to give it a go. If I could get the FL Server in Linux/Unix I think that would just be fine since the server doesn't do any rendering or anything. Any help would be great.

Post Wed Mar 26, 2003 2:07 am

UNfortunately, Minimum requirements means minimum requiremends.

The server and the game engine are what need the minimum of the PIII600.....I tried even a AMD K62 550...and it said heck no, and screames all kinds of errors....THe K6-2s ran better then the PIII 600s...and it won't run.

Heck...It won't even run very well on my second machine unless I add more ram....It's a 1 gig with 256 ram.....Had to add another 512, before it ran mostly smooth.

The Dual Processor deal would work if it was Dual 300s...but not 266s....Sorry....


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Or call 1-800-RYP-OFF1

Post Thu Mar 27, 2003 2:52 am

1Ghz with 256MB? You must be playing on that machine too. The server doesn't render or anything so I think that my setup should be ok for 2 ppl, but I will never know. Hoik!

Post Thu Mar 27, 2003 3:32 am

no... the server doesn't render anything... but the server has to keep track of every projectile, every ship, run the AI for every NPC ship in more then one sector at a time... SP doesn't need that as much since it only has to handle projectiles and more advanced AI within one area...

granted, i dunno how they coded it all, but... i think it could use a lot of ram... hell... half-life... hell QuakeWorld used a crap load of ram... 512 is really needed for any server with a respectable amount of people... i've got 1 gig in one of mine and 512 on the other... CS eats up like 200 meg or so of ram... plus windows eats up quite a nice chunk...

and if yer running on XP, you need 512 anyway...

Post Thu Mar 27, 2003 6:50 pm

Have you tried just copying the files from one computer to the other? (without installing).
I have a low end machine/server (think it's a 450 with 128 mb of ram) and it can run the server. Of course it can't play the actual game, video card is like 8 Mb!!!
You don't need all the files, but at least the following:
\data -> all the ini files in their respective folders plus a couple more
check the error messages in the console to see which files are missing.
\exe -> everything

You might need more... not sure, i'm at work right now.

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