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Cheating/Detection/Server instability.

Here SysOps can list their MultiPlayer server info and users can send feedback to their SysOps. Or just talk about the MultiPlayer servers they play on. This is not about MultiPlayer in general - please use the MultiPlayer Forum for that!

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 9:34 pm

Cheating/Detection/Server instability.

OK, I've heard alot about cheating, and read quite a bit.

I won't go into detail about the HOW of cheating. Why fuel the fire. What I'm looking for now is how it is DETECTED. I'm interested in running my own server, and until I know HOW to detect the cheaters, it seems a wasted effort. I've seen the files in the multiplayers directory, and theres nothing but gobbledygook for me...Are there utilities for decrypting this data?

I've heard that un-synced mods will crash a server. Is there a way to detect THIS?

It would be good to HAVE these tools....Also, (a suggestion to the site-ops) to create a full database of cheater-keys (with a verification system...I'm sure you can think of something) for the server-op community.

OK...So - now what?

....Damn. My pen ran out of ink again.

Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 2:52 am

I think frankly, at this point, it's too big of a problem. The programmers apparently didn't think to make cheat-detection as an option...


Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 4:17 am

At the moment there is no way telling who is cheating and there is no utilities for decrypting that "gobbledygook" you mentioned. Yes, un-synced mods can crash server, I have tested that with number of players.

What is cheating anyway? You can download all kind of helpers that shows you all planets, best traderoutes etc. from this very site. My opinion is that if someone finds a way to start with 2'000'000 credits, go for it, all they can spoil is their own game experience (right?). As long as they dont go on killingspree and start to spoil others fun I could not care less. If someone does that, ban is so easy and fast to do (even afterwards).

Edited by - Blowi on 21-03-2003 04:18:47

Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 6:30 am

The only way to check for the money cheat is to constantly monitor your server's accounts and just hope to notice when someone jumps from a low level to level 38... I don't know anyone willing to do that.


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