I don't believe Digital Anvil ever envisioned or intended the persistent servers to become what they are today. The MP really seems to have been designed around the idea that groups of friends (who knew each other before FL) would be able to get together on one server and enjoy the MP experience together.
This idea of having 100's of servers and no one really knowing each other until they meet on the server wasn't really doesn't seem to be part of the master plan. Just a gut feeling here, but that has created some issues for people looking for a place to land, servers dissappearing, some servers going to passwords, and so on.
But that's what it is in many cases, so we just have to make the best of it.
If we actually did have the capability to transfer our high end, maxed out characters from one server to the next, then would it not be even more boring than it is right now when everyone you see on every server is a level 38?