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can''t connect to global server

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Post Sun Sep 02, 2007 1:01 am

can''t connect to global server

Yesterday I was able to connect to the global server no problem but, today when I try connecting FL to the internet all I get is my LAN server.
I'm uing XP and have everything set so it should work right, if it wasn't I couldn't have played before.
Wanted to play 88 Flak and noticed on the stats page for the server that people were on it.
Also, I checked the global server listings page ( and all the servers show as having global connection.
Does anybody know what is wrong and how to fix this problem?

I would like to know how to enter the server data into Freelancer.ini so, I don't have to keep adding it every time I start the game
also heard there was a way to enter more than one server so, they all show up
there are 3 I'm interested in so I'd like to not have to add them ebery time I want to play them

also if anyone could make a sticky of how to do this it would be greatly appreciated
I've seen tons of people with the same question that can't find the right answer to it
Edited by - merlinthewizard on 9/2/2007 3:08:08 AM

Edited by - merlinthewizard on 9/2/2007 3:11:06 AM

Post Sun Sep 02, 2007 2:17 am

That's funny. I had exactly the same problem, with the same mod, but I was on early this morning. I put it down to the fact I'd just de- and re- activated Flak, which has caused problems before. I couldn't direct connect either ("invalid file path" so I'm reinstalling FL for the 19475729120756730205868th time.

Post Sun Sep 02, 2007 6:12 pm

to get the direct connect you have download it from eoa if you do that you are ok

Post Sun Sep 02, 2007 10:56 pm

No you don't. Just put this in the Target box of the Freelancer shortcut, after the file path: -s[server'sIPaddress:[port.

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