Post Sun Mar 04, 2007 7:09 pm

What file does the mission levels record in

I played the game all of the way through in Vanilla... To where we went back to Manhattan and were given pardons... ETC... I got to level 38... Ok, fine and good but then I installed Solurus and restored my save game...

Which works except that the game NOW won't let me level up because it doesn't see that I have already completed the missions. What file does the game track what missions that you have completed? What bases that you have Landed on...

See I have bought the info on a Ton of bases and I have only landed on 81 so how can I tell which ones that I have landed on verses the ones that I bought there must be a file that tracks what bases I have landed on or it wouldn't tell me that I have landed on 81 bases.

There should be a similar file or possibly the same file that will say how many and which wrecks I have found.