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Problem setting higher widescreen resolution

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Post Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:01 pm

Problem setting higher widescreen resolution

Hello everybody!

I just bought a new computer and as Freelancer is my favorite game, it was the first thing I installed.
Unfortunately (for FL), my new screen is a widescreen 16:10 and FL really doesn't like those things. I tried to force my native resolution (1440*900) though PerfOptions and it works but all the icons around the screen partially disappear.
Any idea how I could solve that?

Thank you for your help,

Post Mon Sep 18, 2006 2:45 pm

I have the same problem trying to get 1280x960x32, i changed it in perfoptions like you did and saved it but next time i open perfoptions it has changed back to 1024x768x32. how did you get it to save the resolution you were putting in?

Post Mon Sep 18, 2006 5:03 pm

It worked for me simply saving PerfOptions but I don't access the Options from the Main Menu they seems to overwrite what was saved. But still, in Widescreen, the game is unplayable because the HUD is partially hidden as if the top and bottom of the HUD (the game in itself seems ok) was cut.
Any ideas?

Post Tue Sep 19, 2006 7:09 am

Try using search for widescreen resolution - theres some previous posts which may or may not help

Post Thu Sep 21, 2006 2:54 pm

I've already looked the other posts but they don't really help.
I read about this camera.ini files that can be modified but I can't find the correct value for my 16:10 screen... anybody have those infos?

Post Tue Sep 26, 2006 10:45 am

I sorted my problem by using analog rather than dvi input to monitor

Post Fri Nov 17, 2006 8:33 pm

I finally found a solution! The following tip works for 16:10 screen, it should work for a 16:9 but the value in the Cameras.ini would be different (can't tell what it would be though as I do not have a 16:9 screen).

Set your resolution in the display section of PerfOptions.ini (in your My Documents/My Games/Freelancer folder). Here's mine for example :

<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>[Display
size= 1440, 900
color_bpp= 32
depth_bpp= 24 </font></pre>

The go to the DATA folder (it's situated in your game directory, usually C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer). There, you'll find a file called Cameras.ini. Open this file and change the fovx value in the WinCamera section to 64.504809977813375, it should look like that :

<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>[WinCamera
fovx = 64.504809977813375 </font></pre>

Launch your game and you are enjoying Freelancer in widescreen glory!

Hope this can help,

Edited by - NiQCO on 11/17/2006 8:34:29 PM

Edited by - NiQCo on 11/17/2006 8:35:27 PM

Post Sun Dec 10, 2006 12:09 am

I tried this with my 1280x800 laptop screen as it's 16:10, but it didn't work very well. I think I'll end up reverting it back to 1024x768.

Edited by - Hahukum Konn on 12/10/2006 12:16:33 AM

Post Thu Mar 08, 2007 2:58 pm

How did you get the cameras.ini file in a readable format? Whenever i open it all i get is a bunch of gibberish. I even ran it thru a program that was supposed to be able to translate it. But it didnt work.

Edited by - Stay_Puft on 3/8/2007 3:02:41 PM

Post Sat May 26, 2007 8:41 am

Hello - apologies for the gravedigging but anyway I just wanted to say you may need to install QuickFix 1.0c first, which has decoded versions of all the inis.

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