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Nav map problems

The place to ask for technical help with running the demo or the full game...

Post Mon Jun 06, 2005 6:44 pm

Nav map problems

I'm having a problem where on my nav map, the systems aren't linked to each other with lines.... e.g. New York system does not have a line going to the Colorodo system in the "universe" nav map showing they're linked by a jump gate as it should...

I reinstalled the game and didn't apply any patches... no use in solving the problem.

One note though...

Once I finished reinstalling (and this happend the first time I installed it too) a message said "freelancer does not detect/work with your graphics card" or some message of that kind. I don't remember exactly what it said.

I ran the game and beat it and everything runs well... no crashes, no weird graphic problems, nothing. It's all flawless minus that ONE irritating nav map issue.

My graphics card is a GeForce 4 Ti 4800 w/ 128 MB RAM....

previously i've played FL w/ my GeForce2 Ti w/ 64 MB RAM on this same PC without ANY problems at all (not even this nav map issue i'm having now).

so tell me... IF this nav map issue is b/c of my graphics card.... why would a geforce4 not work right when a geforce2 does?

any ideas?

thank you in advance.

Post Tue Jun 07, 2005 9:05 am

Lancer to old to ID the card, there are several fix's for the card ID but it isn't really nesc. just click the box to not display again, as to the map prob thats a new one to me , I'd try an uninstall first Don't forget to back up then delete the save game folder usually at C:\Documents and Settings\"User name"\My Documents\My Games\Freelancer Back it up first if u want to keep game then try a reload I'll check into it further see if I can be more help if this dosn't work

Whether you spectate or participate, Life Happens

Post Tue Jun 07, 2005 11:40 am

I already tried a clean reinstall of FL to see if that'll get rid of the nav map problem.

I backed up my saved games, uninstalled FL, deleted all the directories and any FL related files/folders, ran regedit, rebooted, and reinstalled FL.

No good :-/

Post Thu Jun 09, 2005 11:26 am

Does anybody have ANY idea?

I can survive without lines but this is getting REALLY annoying...

Post Fri Jun 23, 2006 4:49 pm

I have the same problem, but haven't changed my graphic card, it's the same i always used
Plus, some weapons, when fired, i can't see the "bullets", i hear the sound and they do inflict damage, but i can't see anything

thank you in advance

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