Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 8:57 am

Problems in the game?

I was wondering if anyone could tell me exactly how to fix the following two problems:

1.) Having modded my ship's default speed, i find that it's extremely difficult to dock, I'm assuming this is based off the computers calculation to distance from the docking station, and direction, but i find that if i don't take the time to pre-set where i am (distance and direction) i'll end up in an endless loop flying in circles. is there a way I can correct this? for the moment i had to go back to near normal speeds again, just so i could dock.

2.) I found out, by pure accident, that a certain mission (thankfully the game auto-saves) basically prevents you from continuing, and was wondering, is there a way (there must be) to change the values of who likes you and who doesn't? In the mission in Kusari, where you stop at a base first, before flying to Kyushu, i had an offer to "hack my records" to make me more amiable with the Golden Chrysanthemums. Assuming this wouldn't do any "serious" damage, i went for it. However, it turned all of Kusari against me, unable to dock, i was unable to proceed.

Any help would be appreciated.

On a side note, i figured out by accident how to modify your Cruise Engines, but i'm not sure quite what i did, anyone willing to shed some light on what i did? I am cruising now at 400m/s instead of the traditional 199m/s, but i'd like to set it to the 1000m/s Cruise to make cruise more effective.