How to Decipher ids_name and info
Take the ids_ name number eg. for li_elite in shiparch.ini, is: 237033 - convert
to hex: 0x39DE9.
The "3" refers to 3rd resource dll as defined in freelancer.ini file.
The "9DE" portion specifies which string table, so convert to decimal again as
the string tables are in decimal and add 1, ie. 9DE + 1 = 9DF = 2527.
The last digit is the string index + 1 = 10th string, as indexes appear to start
from 0.
So using a dll viewer, such as Resource Tuner, open the nameresources.dll, look
for 2527 in the string section, and from that find the 10th string which is:
40425, "Defender"
For ids_info, it's slightly different ... similar process, take the number convert
to hex; the resulting 0xYYYYY is read the same as with ids_name but the last
four digits tell you which XML entry it is ...
We'll use the Defender again ...
ids_info = 66567 = 0x10407
Open the 1st resource file: infocards.dll
Convert 0x407 to dec = 1031, add 1 = 1032
Look up 1032 in the HTML section with a DLL viewer, and presto, there's the
description of the Defender in XML.
Hope this helps ...