Wed Mar 12, 2003 1:36 am by ThresholdRPG
FF, how could you blame ID for Daikatana!
John Romero was nothing but a level designer for iD. He had the incredible good fortune of being there early, so he was able to take a lot of credit for things he did NOT do. He parlayed this creative historical revisionism into convincing some very stupid people in large gaming publishing companies to trust him with a pile of money to make his crappy games.
Back on topic:
We *REALLY* need to get some word from DA about the situation here. Our best bet is for the site operator to forward some of our comments and concerns here to them, and encourage them to come read THIS forum (I'd say they should ignore the discussion, multiplay, etc. forums).
What we need, probably in order of priority and feasibility are:
1) DOCUMENTATION: Tell us what files do what and what values mean what. This should be the EASIEST thing for them to give us since all it requires is having people write up a few explanations regarding what the various files do and what the values stand for (sadly, this stuff should have been in the comments of the files themselves).
2) TUTORIALS: There should be tutorials written by DA for how to do stuff like: add new missions, add new systems, add jumpholes/jumpgates, add new ships, add new weapons, add new shields, add new factions. These are BASIC things that should each have their own tutorial so modders can just GO NUTS and majorly extend the lifespan of this game. Again, all this requires is some writing, it doesn't require actual coding by the DA staff.
3) SDK/Tools: This is the hardest since it would require actual "work" by the DA staff. Having tools and/or an SDK would be a godsend, but I am not holding my breath. Even if they only release a few simple tools (like something for adding systems and placing planets, trade lanes, jump gates, etc) would be a TREMENDOUS help and a huge boon to the community.