FL Mulityplayer mod ideas
This is my first post here, so I dont know if its been talked about, but I think it would be pretty sweet if coders could make a more mainstream mod for FL. Kinda like minigames, it would be nice to get some Team Deathmatch, Deathmatch, or even Capture the Flag (CTF with ships seems amazing), if the coding allows. This would add a level of 'online compeition' to freelancer, and allow a games for people who want to play regular FL, or those who are more intrested in the specfic area of fighter combat.
Even if FL can do this, its a very complicated concept interms of selecting hulls/outfits before playing a game, but off the bat -- it'd be nice to give an infinit ammount of money to each player, and a sort of 'starting base' for each team so that it becomes less about 'who can afford what', and more 'what you can do with it'.
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Even if FL can do this, its a very complicated concept interms of selecting hulls/outfits before playing a game, but off the bat -- it'd be nice to give an infinit ammount of money to each player, and a sort of 'starting base' for each team so that it becomes less about 'who can afford what', and more 'what you can do with it'.
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