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Blow offables
The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!
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i am sort of new to modding, so please tell me if i should move this to another board. i was wondering in what INI thingy in fl is the functions for the blow offable parts. as far as i know, default FL covers these parts for all of the fighters and all of the battleships except bertonian ones. (becaue you never saw a bretonian cap ship in battle in fl story mode) can anyone tell me where the parameters for this are in the fl directories?
It's contained in the file Freelancer\DATA\SHIPS\shiparch.ini
You need an ini editor to edit the standard ini files, because they are compressed binary files. Have a look on the Editing Utilities forum for the utilities we have access to here.
Here's part of the entry for the Bretonia Crusader, their Elite fighter {note that this forum removes the square right-bracket from the headers, which start with the square left-bracket [ } :-
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>
ids_name = 237007
ids_info = 66505
ids_info1 = 66506
ids_info2 = 66608
ids_info3 = 66507
ship_class = 0
nickname = br_elite
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_shiparch_Brehf
mission_property = can_use_berths
LODranges = 0, 80, 160, 1000
type = FIGHTER
DA_archetype = ships\bretonia\br_elite\br_elite.cmp
material_library = ships\bretonia\br_playerships.mat
material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat
envmap_material = envmapbasic
cockpit = cockpits\bretonia\b_elite.ini
...... (truncated) ......
nanobot_limit = 35
shield_battery_limit = 35
hit_pts = 6600
mass = 120
linear_drag = 1
hold_size = 30
...... (truncated) ......
HP_tractor_source = HpTractor_Source
num_exhaust_nozzles = 2
shield_link = b_elite_shield01, HpMount, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_gun_special_2, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05, HpWeapon06
hp_type = hp_gun_special_1, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05, HpWeapon06
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_6, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_5, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_1, HpUpgradeSlot01, HpUpgradeSlot02
hp_type = hp_thruster, HpThruster01
hp_type = hp_mine_dropper, HpMine01
hp_type = hp_countermeasure_dropper, HpCM01
hp_type = hp_torpedo_special_2, HpTorpedo01
hp_type = hp_torpedo_special_1, HpTorpedo01
steering_torque = 38000, 38000, 76000
angular_drag = 30000, 30000, 54000
rotation_inertia = 6000, 6000, 11000
The following sections right after the ship entry define the break-off parts (port wing, starboard wing & tail)...
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>
obj = br_port_wing_lod1
separable = true
parent_impulse = 90.000000
child_impulse = 20.000000
debris_type = debris_small_ship
dmg_hp = DpPort_Wing
dmg_obj = br_elite_dmg_port_wing_cap
separation_explosion = explosion_small_ship_breakoff
mass = 5.000000
type = Port_Wing
hit_pts = 433
root_health_proxy = true
obj = br_star_wing_lod1
separable = true
parent_impulse = 90.000000
child_impulse = 20.000000
debris_type = debris_small_ship
dmg_hp = DpStarboard_Wing
dmg_obj = br_elite_dmg_star_wing_cap
separation_explosion = explosion_small_ship_breakoff
mass = 5.000000
type = Starboard_Wing
hit_pts = 433
root_health_proxy = true
obj = br_tail_lod1
separable = true
parent_impulse = 60.000000
child_impulse = 7.000000
debris_type = debris_small_ship
dmg_hp = DpTail
dmg_obj = br_elite_dmg_tail_cap
separation_explosion = explosion_small_ship_breakoff
mass = 5.000000
type = Tail
hit_pts = 823
root_health_proxy = true
nickname = br_elite_dmg_port_wing_cap
DA_archetype = ships\bretonia\br_elite\br_elite_dmg_port_wing.3db
material_library = ships\bretonia\br_playerships.mat
mass = 5.000000
LODranges = 0, 100, 1000
nickname = br_elite_dmg_star_wing_cap
DA_archetype = ships\bretonia\br_elite\br_elite_dmg_starboard_wing.3db
material_library = ships\bretonia\br_playerships.mat
mass = 5.000000
LODranges = 0, 100, 1000
nickname = br_elite_dmg_tail_cap
DA_archetype = ships\bretonia\br_elite\br_elite_dmg_tail.3db
material_library = ships\bretonia\br_playerships.mat
mass = 5.000000
LODranges = 0, 100, 1000
Have a look at the editing tutorials, there is a lot of good info and help there (but some not so good too!)
Roleplay: - the art of self-deceipt!
Edited by - StarTrader on 9/27/2007 10:41:10 AM
You need an ini editor to edit the standard ini files, because they are compressed binary files. Have a look on the Editing Utilities forum for the utilities we have access to here.
Here's part of the entry for the Bretonia Crusader, their Elite fighter {note that this forum removes the square right-bracket from the headers, which start with the square left-bracket [ } :-
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>
ids_name = 237007
ids_info = 66505
ids_info1 = 66506
ids_info2 = 66608
ids_info3 = 66507
ship_class = 0
nickname = br_elite
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_shiparch_Brehf
mission_property = can_use_berths
LODranges = 0, 80, 160, 1000
type = FIGHTER
DA_archetype = ships\bretonia\br_elite\br_elite.cmp
material_library = ships\bretonia\br_playerships.mat
material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat
envmap_material = envmapbasic
cockpit = cockpits\bretonia\b_elite.ini
...... (truncated) ......
nanobot_limit = 35
shield_battery_limit = 35
hit_pts = 6600
mass = 120
linear_drag = 1
hold_size = 30
...... (truncated) ......
HP_tractor_source = HpTractor_Source
num_exhaust_nozzles = 2
shield_link = b_elite_shield01, HpMount, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_gun_special_2, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05, HpWeapon06
hp_type = hp_gun_special_1, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05, HpWeapon06
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_6, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_5, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_1, HpUpgradeSlot01, HpUpgradeSlot02
hp_type = hp_thruster, HpThruster01
hp_type = hp_mine_dropper, HpMine01
hp_type = hp_countermeasure_dropper, HpCM01
hp_type = hp_torpedo_special_2, HpTorpedo01
hp_type = hp_torpedo_special_1, HpTorpedo01
steering_torque = 38000, 38000, 76000
angular_drag = 30000, 30000, 54000
rotation_inertia = 6000, 6000, 11000
The following sections right after the ship entry define the break-off parts (port wing, starboard wing & tail)...
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>
obj = br_port_wing_lod1
separable = true
parent_impulse = 90.000000
child_impulse = 20.000000
debris_type = debris_small_ship
dmg_hp = DpPort_Wing
dmg_obj = br_elite_dmg_port_wing_cap
separation_explosion = explosion_small_ship_breakoff
mass = 5.000000
type = Port_Wing
hit_pts = 433
root_health_proxy = true
obj = br_star_wing_lod1
separable = true
parent_impulse = 90.000000
child_impulse = 20.000000
debris_type = debris_small_ship
dmg_hp = DpStarboard_Wing
dmg_obj = br_elite_dmg_star_wing_cap
separation_explosion = explosion_small_ship_breakoff
mass = 5.000000
type = Starboard_Wing
hit_pts = 433
root_health_proxy = true
obj = br_tail_lod1
separable = true
parent_impulse = 60.000000
child_impulse = 7.000000
debris_type = debris_small_ship
dmg_hp = DpTail
dmg_obj = br_elite_dmg_tail_cap
separation_explosion = explosion_small_ship_breakoff
mass = 5.000000
type = Tail
hit_pts = 823
root_health_proxy = true
nickname = br_elite_dmg_port_wing_cap
DA_archetype = ships\bretonia\br_elite\br_elite_dmg_port_wing.3db
material_library = ships\bretonia\br_playerships.mat
mass = 5.000000
LODranges = 0, 100, 1000
nickname = br_elite_dmg_star_wing_cap
DA_archetype = ships\bretonia\br_elite\br_elite_dmg_starboard_wing.3db
material_library = ships\bretonia\br_playerships.mat
mass = 5.000000
LODranges = 0, 100, 1000
nickname = br_elite_dmg_tail_cap
DA_archetype = ships\bretonia\br_elite\br_elite_dmg_tail.3db
material_library = ships\bretonia\br_playerships.mat
mass = 5.000000
LODranges = 0, 100, 1000
Have a look at the editing tutorials, there is a lot of good info and help there (but some not so good too!)
Roleplay: - the art of self-deceipt!
Edited by - StarTrader on 9/27/2007 10:41:10 AM
sorry for bringing up an old topic, but i wondered if this would work.
ids_name = 237034
ids_info1 = 459832
ids_info2 = 459851
ids_info3 = 459851
ids_info = 459851
ship_class = 0
nickname = li_fighter
LODranges = 0, 40, 60, 140, 300, 1000
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_shiparch_Liblf
mission_property = can_use_berths
type = FIGHTER
mass = 100
hold_size = 15
linear_drag = 0
fuse = li_fighter_gas01, 0.000000, -1
fuse = li_fighter_smoke01, 0.000000, -1
fuse = intermed_damage_smallship02, 0.000000, 400
fuse = intermed_damage_smallship03, 0.000000, 200
fuse = death_comm, 0.000000, 1
max_bank_angle = 80
camera_offset = 6, 25
camera_angular_acceleration = 0.05
camera_horizontal_turn_angle = 20
camera_vertical_turn_up_angle = 20
camera_vertical_turn_down_angle = 20
camera_turn_look_ahead_slerp_amount = 2
nanobot_limit = 25
shield_battery_limit = 25
fuse = intermed_damage_fighter, 0.000000, 5000
hit_pts = 13500
DA_archetype = ships\liberty\li_fighter\li_fighter.cmp
material_library = ships\liberty\li_playerships.mat
material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat
envmap_material = envmapbasic
cockpit = cockpits\liberty\l_fighter.ini
pilot_mesh = generic_pilot
explosion_arch = explosion_li_fighter
surface_hit_effects = 0, small_hull_hit_light01, small_hull_hit_light02, small_hull_hit_light03
surface_hit_effects = 150, small_hull_hit_medium01, small_hull_hit_medium02, small_hull_hit_medium03
surface_hit_effects = 300, small_hull_hit_heavy01, small_hull_hit_heavy02, small_hull_hit_heavy03
steering_torque = 1100000, 1100000, 550000
angular_drag = 300000, 300000, 300000
rotation_inertia = 100000, 100000, 100000
nudge_force = 1
strafe_force = 9600
bay_door_anim = Sc_open baydoor
bay_doors_open_snd = cargo_doors_open
bay_doors_close_snd = cargo_doors_close
HP_bay_surface = HpBayDoor01
HP_bay_external = HpBayDoor02
num_exhaust_nozzles = 1
HP_tractor_source = HpBayDoor01
shield_link = l_fighter_shield01, HpMount, HpShield01, HpThruster01
hp_type = hp_gun_special_5, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04
hp_type = hp_gun_special_4, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04
hp_type = hp_gun_special_3, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04
hp_type = hp_gun_special_2, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04
hp_type = hp_gun_special_1, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04
hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_special_5, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_special_4, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_special_3, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_special_2, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_special_1, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_thruster, HpMine01, HpCM01
hp_type = hp_mine_dropper, HpThruster01
hp_type = hp_torpedo_special_2, HpTorpedo01
hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_generator, HpThruster01
obj = li_fighter_port_fin
separable = true
parent_impulse = 20
child_impulse = 80
dmg_hp = DpPortfin
dmg_obj = li_fighter_dmg_portfin_cap
mass = 5.000000
debris_type = debris_small_ship
separation_explosion = explosion_small_ship_breakoff
type = Port_Fin
hit_pts = 35000
root_health_proxy = true
obj = li_fighter_star_fin
separable = true
parent_impulse = 20
child_impulse = 80
debris_type = debris_small_ship
dmg_hp = DpStarboardfin
dmg_obj = li_fighter_dmg_starboardfin_cap
separation_explosion = explosion_small_ship_breakoff
mass = 5.000000
type = Starboard_Fin
hit_pts = 35000
root_health_proxy = true
what else is required to make these parts blow off? (if anything) also is "li_fighter" the patriot?
ids_name = 237034
ids_info1 = 459832
ids_info2 = 459851
ids_info3 = 459851
ids_info = 459851
ship_class = 0
nickname = li_fighter
LODranges = 0, 40, 60, 140, 300, 1000
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_shiparch_Liblf
mission_property = can_use_berths
type = FIGHTER
mass = 100
hold_size = 15
linear_drag = 0
fuse = li_fighter_gas01, 0.000000, -1
fuse = li_fighter_smoke01, 0.000000, -1
fuse = intermed_damage_smallship02, 0.000000, 400
fuse = intermed_damage_smallship03, 0.000000, 200
fuse = death_comm, 0.000000, 1
max_bank_angle = 80
camera_offset = 6, 25
camera_angular_acceleration = 0.05
camera_horizontal_turn_angle = 20
camera_vertical_turn_up_angle = 20
camera_vertical_turn_down_angle = 20
camera_turn_look_ahead_slerp_amount = 2
nanobot_limit = 25
shield_battery_limit = 25
fuse = intermed_damage_fighter, 0.000000, 5000
hit_pts = 13500
DA_archetype = ships\liberty\li_fighter\li_fighter.cmp
material_library = ships\liberty\li_playerships.mat
material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat
envmap_material = envmapbasic
cockpit = cockpits\liberty\l_fighter.ini
pilot_mesh = generic_pilot
explosion_arch = explosion_li_fighter
surface_hit_effects = 0, small_hull_hit_light01, small_hull_hit_light02, small_hull_hit_light03
surface_hit_effects = 150, small_hull_hit_medium01, small_hull_hit_medium02, small_hull_hit_medium03
surface_hit_effects = 300, small_hull_hit_heavy01, small_hull_hit_heavy02, small_hull_hit_heavy03
steering_torque = 1100000, 1100000, 550000
angular_drag = 300000, 300000, 300000
rotation_inertia = 100000, 100000, 100000
nudge_force = 1
strafe_force = 9600
bay_door_anim = Sc_open baydoor
bay_doors_open_snd = cargo_doors_open
bay_doors_close_snd = cargo_doors_close
HP_bay_surface = HpBayDoor01
HP_bay_external = HpBayDoor02
num_exhaust_nozzles = 1
HP_tractor_source = HpBayDoor01
shield_link = l_fighter_shield01, HpMount, HpShield01, HpThruster01
hp_type = hp_gun_special_5, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04
hp_type = hp_gun_special_4, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04
hp_type = hp_gun_special_3, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04
hp_type = hp_gun_special_2, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04
hp_type = hp_gun_special_1, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04
hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_special_5, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_special_4, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_special_3, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_special_2, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_special_1, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_thruster, HpMine01, HpCM01
hp_type = hp_mine_dropper, HpThruster01
hp_type = hp_torpedo_special_2, HpTorpedo01
hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_generator, HpThruster01
obj = li_fighter_port_fin
separable = true
parent_impulse = 20
child_impulse = 80
dmg_hp = DpPortfin
dmg_obj = li_fighter_dmg_portfin_cap
mass = 5.000000
debris_type = debris_small_ship
separation_explosion = explosion_small_ship_breakoff
type = Port_Fin
hit_pts = 35000
root_health_proxy = true
obj = li_fighter_star_fin
separable = true
parent_impulse = 20
child_impulse = 80
debris_type = debris_small_ship
dmg_hp = DpStarboardfin
dmg_obj = li_fighter_dmg_starboardfin_cap
separation_explosion = explosion_small_ship_breakoff
mass = 5.000000
type = Starboard_Fin
hit_pts = 35000
root_health_proxy = true
what else is required to make these parts blow off? (if anything) also is "li_fighter" the patriot?
Here is one from a Vanilla File. However, keep in mind this is also from
the Freelancer SDK 1.5 and might be slightly different from previous versions.
But, I'm sure you'll probably find the info you're looking for.
This one is the Liberty Navy Defender.
ids_name = 237033
ids_info = 66567
ids_info1 = 66568
ids_info2 = 66608
ids_info3 = 66569
ship_class = 1
nickname = li_elite
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_shiparch_Libhf
mission_property = can_use_berths
LODranges = 0, 75, 150, 1300
type = FIGHTER
DA_archetype = ships\liberty\li_elite\li_elite.cmp
material_library = ships\liberty\li_playerships.mat
material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat
envmap_material = envmapbasic
cockpit = cockpits\liberty\l_elite.ini
pilot_mesh = generic_pilot
nanobot_limit = 14
shield_battery_limit = 14
mass = 150.000000
hold_size = 30
linear_drag = 1.000000
fuse = intermed_damage_smallship01, 0.000000, 400
fuse = intermed_damage_smallship02, 0.000000, 200
fuse = intermed_damage_smallship03, 0.000000, 133
max_bank_angle = 30
camera_offset = 8, 34
camera_angular_acceleration = 0.050000
camera_horizontal_turn_angle = 17
camera_vertical_turn_up_angle = 5
camera_vertical_turn_down_angle = 25
camera_turn_look_ahead_slerp_amount = 1.000000
hit_pts = 1600
explosion_arch = explosion_li_elite
surface_hit_effects = 0, small_hull_hit_light01, small_hull_hit_light02, small_hull_hit_light03
surface_hit_effects = 150, small_hull_hit_medium01, small_hull_hit_medium02, small_hull_hit_medium03
surface_hit_effects = 300, small_hull_hit_heavy01, small_hull_hit_heavy02, small_hull_hit_heavy03
steering_torque = 50000.000000, 50000.000000, 230000.000000
angular_drag = 40000.000000, 40000.000000, 141000.000000
rotation_inertia = 8400.000000, 8400.000000, 8400.000000
nudge_force = 30000.000000
strafe_force = 20000
strafe_power_usage = 2
bay_door_anim = Sc_open baydoor
bay_doors_open_snd = cargo_doors_open
bay_doors_close_snd = cargo_doors_close
HP_bay_surface = HpBayDoor01
HP_bay_external = HpBayDoor02
HP_tractor_source = HpTractor_Source
num_exhaust_nozzles = 2
shield_link = l_elite_shield01, HpMount, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_gun_special_4, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02
hp_type = hp_gun_special_3, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05
hp_type = hp_gun_special_2, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05
hp_type = hp_gun_special_1, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_4, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_3, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_2, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_1, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_thruster, HpThruster01
hp_type = hp_mine_dropper, HpMine01
hp_type = hp_countermeasure_dropper, HpCM01
hp_type = hp_turret_special_4, HpTurret01
hp_type = hp_turret_special_3, HpTurret01
hp_type = hp_turret_special_2, HpTurret01
hp_type = hp_turret_special_1, HpTurret01
hp_type = hp_torpedo_special_1, HpTorpedo01
hp_type = hp_torpedo_special_2, HpTorpedo01
obj = Li_star_wing_lod1
separable = true
parent_impulse = 240.000000
child_impulse = 7.000000
debris_type = debris_small_ship
dmg_hp = DpStarboardwing
dmg_obj = li_elite_dmg_star_wing_cap
separation_explosion = explosion_small_ship_breakoff
mass = 5.000000
type = Starboard_Wing
hit_pts = 267
root_health_proxy = true
obj = Li_port_wing_lod1
separable = true
parent_impulse = 240.000000
child_impulse = 7.000000
debris_type = debris_small_ship
dmg_hp = DpPortwing
dmg_obj = li_elite_dmg_port_wing_cap
separation_explosion = explosion_small_ship_breakoff
mass = 5.000000
type = Port_Wing
hit_pts = 267
root_health_proxy = true
obj = li_Spoiler_lod1
separable = true
parent_impulse = 240.000000
child_impulse = 7.000000
debris_type = debris_small_ship
dmg_hp = DpSpoiler
dmg_obj = li_elite_dmg_Spoiler_cap
separation_explosion = explosion_small_ship_breakoff
mass = 5.000000
type = Spoiler
hit_pts = 400
root_health_proxy = true
nickname = li_elite_dmg_star_wing_cap
DA_archetype = ships\liberty\li_elite\li_elite_dmg_starboardwing.3db
material_library = ships\liberty\li_playerships.mat
mass = 5.000000
LODranges = 0, 100, 1300
nickname = li_elite_dmg_port_wing_cap
DA_archetype = ships\liberty\li_elite\li_elite_dmg_portwing.3db
material_library = ships\liberty\li_playerships.mat
mass = 5.000000
LODranges = 0, 100, 1300
nickname = li_elite_dmg_Spoiler_cap
DA_archetype = ships\liberty\li_elite\li_elite_dmg_spoiler.3db
material_library = ships\liberty\li_playerships.mat
mass = 5.000000
LODranges = 0, 100, 700
nickname = li_elite2_dmg_Spoiler_cap
DA_archetype = ships\liberty\li_elite2\li_elite2_dmg_spoiler.3db
material_library = ships\liberty\li_playerships.mat
mass = 5.000000
LODranges = 0, 100, 1300
nickname = li_elite_dmg_Engine01_cap
DA_archetype = ships\liberty\li_elite\li_elite_dmg_engine01.3db
material_library = ships\liberty\li_playerships.mat
mass = 5.000000
LODranges = 0, 100, 1300
nickname = li_elite_dmg_Engine02_cap
DA_archetype = ships\liberty\li_elite\li_elite_dmg_engine02.3db
material_library = ships\liberty\li_playerships.mat
mass = 5.000000
LODranges = 0, 100, 1300
the Freelancer SDK 1.5 and might be slightly different from previous versions.
But, I'm sure you'll probably find the info you're looking for.
This one is the Liberty Navy Defender.
ids_name = 237033
ids_info = 66567
ids_info1 = 66568
ids_info2 = 66608
ids_info3 = 66569
ship_class = 1
nickname = li_elite
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_shiparch_Libhf
mission_property = can_use_berths
LODranges = 0, 75, 150, 1300
type = FIGHTER
DA_archetype = ships\liberty\li_elite\li_elite.cmp
material_library = ships\liberty\li_playerships.mat
material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat
envmap_material = envmapbasic
cockpit = cockpits\liberty\l_elite.ini
pilot_mesh = generic_pilot
nanobot_limit = 14
shield_battery_limit = 14
mass = 150.000000
hold_size = 30
linear_drag = 1.000000
fuse = intermed_damage_smallship01, 0.000000, 400
fuse = intermed_damage_smallship02, 0.000000, 200
fuse = intermed_damage_smallship03, 0.000000, 133
max_bank_angle = 30
camera_offset = 8, 34
camera_angular_acceleration = 0.050000
camera_horizontal_turn_angle = 17
camera_vertical_turn_up_angle = 5
camera_vertical_turn_down_angle = 25
camera_turn_look_ahead_slerp_amount = 1.000000
hit_pts = 1600
explosion_arch = explosion_li_elite
surface_hit_effects = 0, small_hull_hit_light01, small_hull_hit_light02, small_hull_hit_light03
surface_hit_effects = 150, small_hull_hit_medium01, small_hull_hit_medium02, small_hull_hit_medium03
surface_hit_effects = 300, small_hull_hit_heavy01, small_hull_hit_heavy02, small_hull_hit_heavy03
steering_torque = 50000.000000, 50000.000000, 230000.000000
angular_drag = 40000.000000, 40000.000000, 141000.000000
rotation_inertia = 8400.000000, 8400.000000, 8400.000000
nudge_force = 30000.000000
strafe_force = 20000
strafe_power_usage = 2
bay_door_anim = Sc_open baydoor
bay_doors_open_snd = cargo_doors_open
bay_doors_close_snd = cargo_doors_close
HP_bay_surface = HpBayDoor01
HP_bay_external = HpBayDoor02
HP_tractor_source = HpTractor_Source
num_exhaust_nozzles = 2
shield_link = l_elite_shield01, HpMount, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_gun_special_4, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02
hp_type = hp_gun_special_3, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05
hp_type = hp_gun_special_2, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05
hp_type = hp_gun_special_1, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_4, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_3, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_2, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_1, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_thruster, HpThruster01
hp_type = hp_mine_dropper, HpMine01
hp_type = hp_countermeasure_dropper, HpCM01
hp_type = hp_turret_special_4, HpTurret01
hp_type = hp_turret_special_3, HpTurret01
hp_type = hp_turret_special_2, HpTurret01
hp_type = hp_turret_special_1, HpTurret01
hp_type = hp_torpedo_special_1, HpTorpedo01
hp_type = hp_torpedo_special_2, HpTorpedo01
obj = Li_star_wing_lod1
separable = true
parent_impulse = 240.000000
child_impulse = 7.000000
debris_type = debris_small_ship
dmg_hp = DpStarboardwing
dmg_obj = li_elite_dmg_star_wing_cap
separation_explosion = explosion_small_ship_breakoff
mass = 5.000000
type = Starboard_Wing
hit_pts = 267
root_health_proxy = true
obj = Li_port_wing_lod1
separable = true
parent_impulse = 240.000000
child_impulse = 7.000000
debris_type = debris_small_ship
dmg_hp = DpPortwing
dmg_obj = li_elite_dmg_port_wing_cap
separation_explosion = explosion_small_ship_breakoff
mass = 5.000000
type = Port_Wing
hit_pts = 267
root_health_proxy = true
obj = li_Spoiler_lod1
separable = true
parent_impulse = 240.000000
child_impulse = 7.000000
debris_type = debris_small_ship
dmg_hp = DpSpoiler
dmg_obj = li_elite_dmg_Spoiler_cap
separation_explosion = explosion_small_ship_breakoff
mass = 5.000000
type = Spoiler
hit_pts = 400
root_health_proxy = true
nickname = li_elite_dmg_star_wing_cap
DA_archetype = ships\liberty\li_elite\li_elite_dmg_starboardwing.3db
material_library = ships\liberty\li_playerships.mat
mass = 5.000000
LODranges = 0, 100, 1300
nickname = li_elite_dmg_port_wing_cap
DA_archetype = ships\liberty\li_elite\li_elite_dmg_portwing.3db
material_library = ships\liberty\li_playerships.mat
mass = 5.000000
LODranges = 0, 100, 1300
nickname = li_elite_dmg_Spoiler_cap
DA_archetype = ships\liberty\li_elite\li_elite_dmg_spoiler.3db
material_library = ships\liberty\li_playerships.mat
mass = 5.000000
LODranges = 0, 100, 700
nickname = li_elite2_dmg_Spoiler_cap
DA_archetype = ships\liberty\li_elite2\li_elite2_dmg_spoiler.3db
material_library = ships\liberty\li_playerships.mat
mass = 5.000000
LODranges = 0, 100, 1300
nickname = li_elite_dmg_Engine01_cap
DA_archetype = ships\liberty\li_elite\li_elite_dmg_engine01.3db
material_library = ships\liberty\li_playerships.mat
mass = 5.000000
LODranges = 0, 100, 1300
nickname = li_elite_dmg_Engine02_cap
DA_archetype = ships\liberty\li_elite\li_elite_dmg_engine02.3db
material_library = ships\liberty\li_playerships.mat
mass = 5.000000
LODranges = 0, 100, 1300
Just remember that the hit points in the "CollisionGroup" is a percentage of the ships hit points, the "Patriot" has 1300 hit points but really only has 974, the other 326 is assigned to the two "CollisionGroup" entries.
I'm writing the destructible components part of my tutorial and I'll be explaining this in it, but just to help out here's some of it.
obj = this is the component part inside the CMP that you want to remove ie port fin_lod1, Li_port_wing_lod1 etc.
So having "obj = li_fighter_port_fin" means nothing to FL as that isn't part of the CMP.
**shuffles off with a new headache**
I'm writing the destructible components part of my tutorial and I'll be explaining this in it, but just to help out here's some of it.
obj = this is the component part inside the CMP that you want to remove ie port fin_lod1, Li_port_wing_lod1 etc.
So having "obj = li_fighter_port_fin" means nothing to FL as that isn't part of the CMP.
**shuffles off with a new headache**

i think the problem is in thoes "[simple" entries
i have a backup file , but it only has collision groups, so if anyone would be kind enough to send the vanilla shiparch file to [email protected], it would be greatly appriciated.
i have a backup file , but it only has collision groups, so if anyone would be kind enough to send the vanilla shiparch file to [email protected], it would be greatly appriciated.
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