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Making Path ini files?

The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!

Post Tue Oct 09, 2007 5:07 am


Path = li01, dk01, li01, iw03, br04, br06, ow01, ms01, dx01, dk01
Path = li01, uh01, li01, li03, iw05, bw09, bw08, ew01, ts01, eu01, uh01
Path = li01, bo01, li01, li03, iw05, bw09, bw08, ew01, ts01, eu01, bo01
Path = li01, sq01, li01, li03, iw05, bw09, bw08, ew01, ts01, eu01, sq01
Path = li01, ew09, li01, li05, bw06, ew04, hi01, ew05, cm01, cm02, ew09

You should be expecting to see those sorts of system names i assume

Anyway, you had no locked gates given - so this has been run with no locked gates. Assumes things like the Magellan jumpgate is open and a legal path of course

I will say straight up right now that the legal path file is SIGNIFICANTLY smaller than the one you originally sent in with it. Significantly = 96kb vs 300kb. The others are more or less the same. What problems this may present I do not know... I do notice that the shortest_legal_path.ini file you sent me does have a Ku07 to everywhere... as well as other systems. I don't have any Ku07 path defined, it's only got jumpholes

If any issues, let me know - will re-run it for you. I've formatted it as per the original game - so any jumps that are
Path = system, system, system

only, have been removed. ie:

Path = FP7_system, FP7_system, FP7_system

The original files do not (as Breslin pointed out) have these included. Originally when systems were first done... ooo.... 4 years ago, we thought these had to be included to prevent a crash occuring. I don't think anyone ever really researched into the jumpgates area at all, so meh. These types of "connection" are removed.

Let me know how you get on. Obviously back up your original files first before putting these in.

You can download the three files here: ... /paths.rar

Post Tue Oct 09, 2007 5:21 am


Yours are here too. Once again, smaller legal path - probably because I think accushots included jumpholes? ... /RRJDS.rar

Yours also had no locked gates, except for NPC's - so paths include the Magellan jumpgate.
Gimmie a shout if anything is wrong

Post Tue Oct 09, 2007 5:45 am

That's wonderful news Chips.
But before I can even attempt to install the path files,
they're in a .RAR format which my programs don't recognize.
As a result, I cannot open them.
If it's at all possible, can you change that to the windows
standard .zip folder like the one I sent to you?
That would save me a ton of grief.

Those paths you showed up at the top of your post are supposed to be there.
They are a few of the new systems.

I removed all the locked gate references.
Where the jump holes were that would not unlock regardless of what I did,
I removed them and replaced them with working jumpholes.

Post Tue Oct 09, 2007 6:12 am

winrar, it works even when it's evaulation period is over
Should get it

But, as requested - here it is in zip format

Same link as before, but just make it .zip instead of .rar

Same goes for Startraders

Post Tue Oct 09, 2007 12:13 pm

I had tried to use winrar some time ago but was met with nothing but grief
with it's use. I ended up getting rid of the program.

Post Tue Oct 09, 2007 12:39 pm

Chips wrote: "Will have to overhall the code eventually anyways. When? Dunno, back at uni and work is already piling up. Final year you see, got a project on Agent Based System to Model Civil Violence"

Awesome. "Civil" Violence? Agent-based modeling of oxymorons. Seriously, though, what are you modeling exactly? Anyway, it sounds like lots of fun -- A-life sort of program, where "violence" is an emergent property of the system: now that would be really neato.

Chips wrote: "Had idea on how to factor in the distances for jumps. Bredth first, but this time factor in the distances between jump points. Have an overlaying "shortest distance" at the start, which is set to a HUGE number. Then, whenever a valid path is found, compare distance of this path to the "shortest". If it's less than this - make it the shortest and continue (obviously record route too!)
Exits once every path it's currently examining is greater the current shortest value... that means they'd need to be a way of recognising the "depth" you've reached on the search - and as a new depth is reached where every previous node on the depth of the search tree is greater in dist than shortest, it exits."

Yes this is reasonable.

First, the main thing: basically you add an extra check at the point where you're finding out if the system has been visited. Instead of the "visited systems" set, keep a lookup table, where the visited systems are keys and the distance is each key's value. Then the check is:
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>
if(visited_table.isKeyPresent(current_system) OR visited_table[current_system > current_distance) {
// then we've found the shortest route to this system.
// update the table, add this path to the queue, etc.

(I write 'OR' because the board parser is transforming the proper symbol (double-vertical-bars) into '//')

There are several ways to optimize this, but it's simple and basically complete solution. It's not quite perfect, and optimization is fun , but I wouldn't bother with perfecting it until you have enough time to really master the solution. (When you get interested, drop me a line. I know how to do the ironclad and optimal solution, but it's a bit too complicated to get into here.)

One little nitpicky thing: I know what you're thinking, setting "shortest distance" to an arbitrary huge number.... But it takes almost zero time to check if x==0, so you're not really saving any time to skip that step. In other words, I'd set "shortest distance" to 0 (or -1), and change the check to "if (current_distance < shortest_distance OR shortest_distance == 0)" -- then it's more stylistically correct and not arbitrary.

Edited by - breslin on 10/9/2007 1:49:24 PM

Post Tue Oct 09, 2007 1:30 pm

^^ that's a good point, cheers Often overlook simplest solutions (and easiest too ).

As for the modelling. Essentially model a city, with police and people. Factors that affect the likely hood of people rioting will be police presence (proximity though), likely hood of being arrested, level of discontent (which will be dependant upon hardship and the legitimacy - as in if a war is on people will be less likely to riot due to hardship as it's a legimate hardship, whereas New Orleans not receiving aid is more likely to riot because it's all there... just not with them!), number of officers and the level of discontent of others surrounding them (including discontent people gathering and becoming even more likely to riot etc).

I've got the prelim meeting to outline exactly what I'll be doing later this week At this point I'll hopefully know even more as to what exactly I will be undertaking, what factors will be affecting it etc.

Post Sat Oct 13, 2007 4:54 am


I know i took some time doing it, but keeping it "visible" incase you've been back and not spotted the new files uploaded

Don't forget, they are here: ... / <-- startrader ... / <-- rankor.

Post Sat Oct 13, 2007 5:18 am

Thanks for the nudge Chips.
I'll be getting back with you asap since I have to compare
things between the files.
From the first glance, it appears to be missing some new paths,
but this could be because of new additions since I sent the
path files to you last.
If I can sort that out properly, I should be able to hand edit
the paths to the new systems.

While overviewing the files, I first noticed that the path from Li01 to Iw03
isn't listed in systems shortest paths. (NY to Magellan)

I suppose the path should look like this:

Li01, Iw03, Li01, Iw03

On a wild guess, the original files
don't even list this one as path (although it's used in the story line)
Shouldn't that reflect the change in the systems_shortest_path.ini
as well as shortest_legal_path.ini?
If so, could that be one of the glitches causing my CTD?

I also noticed in my modded game files that I have this particular path
show up in <span style="text-decoration: underline">all three</span> path files. Could this be a problem?

Now, one thing I did was physically "remove" those old gates and holes
(along with their respective zones) then replaced them with "legal" path gates.
(The same with a few other gates and holes**,
such as Li01 to Iw03 ; Ku05 to Bw05 ; Ku05 to Ku07 ; Ku06 to Ku07 ;
Bw05 to Rh01 ; St03 to St03b)
Your technique caught the new paths to St01 (Omicron Beta and Omicron Alpha to St01! )
Basically, all the Story Line Gates and Jump holes were replaced with
legal paths gates and jump holes.

**I have a feeling this may be the thing that's throwing a monkey wrench into
the gearworks.

(sub note)
I keep coming back and editing this post everytime I see something different..
before too long, this post is probably not going to make much sense.

Edited by - Rankor on 10/13/2007 6:55:00 AM

Edited by - Rankor on 10/13/2007 7:15:14 AM

Post Sun Oct 14, 2007 3:00 am

Phew, although I had deleted the files - they were still in recycle bin

I will check it out mate - there was one or two things i noticed when compiling files... not ALL system files were included. When this occured, I used the original Freelancer files to replace them - specifically Bw03 and Bw04.

I'll go back through though.
I did notice a lack of match up on what it said it found, and what it outputted (as paths) - so I'll have a look again and see if I am missing something.

Post Sun Oct 14, 2007 3:12 am

Hmm, running it again on yours I am showing that path up

I'll repost them in a minute.

Right, there's no Ku06 to anywhere jumpgates... all jumpholes - so legal won't show anything.

Jumps from Rh01 to Bw05 show, from Ku07 to Bw05 show, and from Ku06 to Bw05 goes via Ku07 for shortest path, but legal goes via Ku01/Ku04 or something like that.

Looks fine to me, with Iw03 shortest path showing the Iw03 -> Li01 jumpgate, same for the shortest legal. Of course, illegal - there's no jumphole... so it' s going via the associated systems to Li01 (is it Li02? or Li03?). ...

That's the three path files - let me know

Edited by - Chips on 10/14/2007 4:27:14 AM

Post Sun Oct 14, 2007 5:35 am

I got a file corrupted error notice after I downloaded it and tried to take a look.
I'll give it another try. (could be my connection)

Post Sun Oct 14, 2007 5:40 am

Nuts. I'm getting a "File Corrupted" error and can't open it.

Post Sun Oct 14, 2007 5:56 am

Please note that the jump gate from NY to Magellan is not considered a viable connection for the purposes of path generation, neither in "legal" nor "illegal" nor even the more universal "system shortest."

In other words, (Rankor )don't be surprised if "Li01, Iw03" doesn't show up as a viable traversal. It's not supposed to.

Edited by - breslin on 10/14/2007 6:57:55 AM

Post Sun Oct 14, 2007 10:43 am

Have you tried clearing your cache before downloading it again? I've just downloaded it and it's fine, but I re-uploaded a fresh one, downloaded that - and it's fine.

Try another browser or something incase it's just cached it and re-copying that across instead.

As for the Iw03 / Li01 jumpgate, going off of the "closed gates" in mods for this - he's not got it closed up, so it's open for business - and therefore open for jumpgating.

If problems continue in that area, we'll just lock it up and see what occurs

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