Post Sat Aug 18, 2007 3:02 pm

Lets see....

Did the render hack, tradlane hack, max amount a good can be sold at hack, the seconds between updates on the overview(contact list?), Reputation over which will give you affiliation with that faction, which btw is pretty cool,
I did however try the effect hack, but I didn't understand Dev when he said "alter the 'E' of 'EffectType' " I thought he meant turn it to a lowercase, didn't work, then I changed it to some random letter, nothing happened, so I went back to back-ups and forgot about it. THat's really all the stuff I've done, so far. I've also found a very strange bug in my mod with the kusari when you hail them, they will respond and follow you.

It now only happens when I jump my ship around with the FLshell commands or Ioncross. I am just starting to think it's just the way Freelancer is going to be when it comes to battleships.