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Post Mon Aug 06, 2007 2:03 am


I was playing DSO the other day and i thought it a good that you get money for killing pirates even when you are not on a mission but how would i put this into freelancer. I read in another post "New Dock And Jumpgate fee MOD" that using Act_Account= -500 you can deduct money going through a jump gate and entering bases but if you use this where would i enter it?

Post Mon Aug 06, 2007 12:52 pm

This works only in story missions so wouldn´t make sense

Post Mon Aug 06, 2007 1:27 pm

Probably the best (only?) solution to this would be use of the FLHook API. I'd consider an addon DLL to check for system changes, and deduct appropriate cash amounts. Possible or not I don't rightly know Of course that leaves the problem of cheaters disabling the dll...

*Edit : Of course that charges after jump and FL cannot handle negative cash amounts. Perhaps a rep hit as a fine for non payment too

Edited by - anton on 8/6/2007 2:29:41 PM

Post Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:52 am

"I was playing DSO the other day and i thought it a good that you get money for killing pirates even when you are not on a mission but how would i put this into freelancer?"

You can make some commodities which represents the ships pilot, so when you blow the ship up the pilot "jettisons" and you can tractor him in and sell him on a base!

Also if you want more interaction with the NPC's you can make them scan more often after certain things (you can make them scan for everything except for ships) and you can also make them scan you without notice!

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