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freelancer efects and sounds

The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!

Post Sun Jul 29, 2007 7:35 pm

freelancer efects and sounds

can anybody tell me how to create new freelancer efectes and what programs do i need. now i created me own sound i put it into the game and it works but it sounds just like the starbeam can anybody helop me with these questions

Post Mon Jul 30, 2007 7:14 am

On brand new effects, i dont really know much beside modifying the existing ones to my liking. On sounds i think your "sound" is not linked to your sound file. Example:

On shields. Look at st_equip.ini in equipment folder:

nickname = npc_shield01_mark01
ids_name = 263759
shield_collapse_sound = shield_offline
shield_rebuilt_sound = shield_rebuilt

these sounds you will find here: audio/sounds.ini:
nickname = shield_rebuilt
file = audio\sounds\equipment\shield_rebuilt.wav
attenuation = -2
range = 50, 450
crv_pitch = 5

nickname = shield_offline
file = audio\sounds\equipment\shield_offline.wav
attenuation = -4
range = 50, 500
crv_pitch = 5

And they point to existing sound files in audio\sounds\equipment directory.

Almost the same with weapons, in weapon_equip.ini you find:

nickname = fc_c_gun01_mark05_ammo
one_shot_sound = fire_neutron5

This also refers to audio/sounds.ini:
nickname = fire_neutron5
file = audio\sounds\weapons\fire_neutron5.wav
range = 60, 500
crv_pitch = 9
attenuation = -7
And this also links you to an existing sound file.

Beware what your sound format is, as far as i remember there are sounds in the game known as lame mp3, and they also have WAV as extension. The range = 60, 500 means in what ranges the sound will quieter and louder as i know. But surely we got something for this in the tutorials section.

Every sound ingame is referred this or similar way, just look closely. When i search for any data in the game i do this: I got the sdk extracted in a different folder and i search in this, which file contains the text or string i need. This way you will find every possible way the game uses the thing i need to know more about.

Hope i helped.

Post Mon Jul 30, 2007 5:17 pm

Two formats are used that I'm aware of.

PCM (often associated with weapons sounds)
MPEG Layer3 (often associated with music and ambience sounds)

To find out what format they are in, find one and left click on it..
then select "record" .. Next, click on properties and you will discover what format they are in. (probably a simpler way than this, but it works for me)

Post Mon Jul 30, 2007 8:08 pm

Thanks so much for that info it is so much help

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