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NPC Ships

The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!

Post Sun Jul 29, 2007 1:56 am

NPC Ships

Hey all,

Last night I made a server (which works!) I want people to use battleship, gunboats and other NPC ships. My question is, how do I change the camera angles? At the moment when you play as one you cant see anything?

Many thanks.


Post Sun Jul 29, 2007 5:22 am

You'll have to edit this line in shiparch.ini for the ship.

camera_offset = 100, 450

The first number (100) is how far up the camera will be and the second (450) is how far behind the ship the camera should be placed.

The one above is used from a capship in another mod.

Edited by - Ogu on 7/29/2007 6:23:39 AM

Post Sun Jul 29, 2007 5:46 am

Also watch for cockpit stuff. In shiparch.ini there is a reference in each playable ship: cockpit = cockpits\liberty\l_fighter.ini for example. If your ship does not have this row then you must add one.

Also in the cockpit file above there are:

mesh = cockpits\liberty\models\li_fighter_cockpit.cmp -- points to an existing mesh, using textures from the ships mat!!!
int_brightness = 0.500000 -- no comment
head_turn = 50, 40 -- no comment


tether = 0.000000, 5.780000, 22.874001 -- camera setting for turret mode, 5,78 upwards, 22,874 distance
yaw_rotate_speed = 2.000000 -- rotation using mouse
pitch_rotate_speed = 1.500000 -- rotation using mouse
accel_speed = 5 -- rotation using mouse

Hope i helped.

Post Sun Jul 29, 2007 6:38 am

Hey all!

Thanks for your help. I went into that file, but all the text was like squares and symbols =S

I was wondering. If it was at all possable, if you could change it for me? and send me the file? I really hate asking people for help but I've tryed loads of things to open it and nothing works.

Many thanks.

Post Sun Jul 29, 2007 8:13 am

Freelancer´s ini-files are encoded in the bini format. You can decode them with FLE, or just use the Freelancer SDK

Post Sun Jul 29, 2007 8:38 am

Thanks! I've downloaded the Freelancer SDK and works fine ^_^

the only thing is that I cant see anything like;

mesh = cockpits\liberty\models\li_fighter_cockpit.cmp -- points to an existing mesh, using textures from the ships mat!!!
int_brightness = 0.500000 -- no comment
head_turn = 50, 40 -- no comment


tether = 0.000000, 5.780000, 22.874001 -- camera setting for turret mode, 5,78 upwards, 22,874 distance
yaw_rotate_speed = 2.000000 -- rotation using mouse
pitch_rotate_speed = 1.500000 -- rotation using mouse
accel_speed = 5 -- rotation using mouse

or where to change the camera view?

Post Mon Jul 30, 2007 7:31 am

If you downloaded the sdk the extract it somewhere. Place the files you will need into the game directories overwriting the encoded ones.

If you go into ships/shipasrch.ini you will find all ships definition that the game uses. Example:

ids_name = 237034
ids_info = 66570
ids_info1 = 66571
ids_info2 = 66608
ids_info3 = 66572
ship_class = 0
nickname = li_fighter
camera_offset = 6, 22 ----THAT IS THE RANGE YOU NEED WHEN VIEWING FROM BEHIND, 6 up, 22 far
cockpit = cockpits\liberty\l_fighter.ini --- REFERENCE TO COCKPIT FILE

The cocpit's file are in DATA/Cockpits\liberty\l_fighter.ini which is this:

mesh = cockpits\liberty\models\li_fighter_cockpit.cmp --- THE MODEL USED, USING THE SHIP'S MAT FILE FOR TEXTURES
int_brightness = 0.500000
head_turn = 50, 40


tether = 0.000000, 5.780000, 22.874001 --- CAMERA DISTANCES FOR TURRET MODE IN GAME, 5,78 up 22.874 far
pitch_rotate_speed = 1.500000
accel_speed = 5

All PLAYABLE ships must have these kinda settings. The cockpit differs nearly for each ship, just pick one to your liking if your ship does not have one.

Best way to set up a ship in any way is to START FROM EXISTING ONE and modifying each line if needed. This way you wont miss anything.

Hope i helped

Post Mon Jul 30, 2007 7:48 am

If in the shiparch.ini these lines (or others) are missing then add them. If the ship does not have a cockpit file then create one using a very specific filenames. Duplicate things means trouble. Example: Create an NPCCOCPITS folder in cockpits and place your stuff in it. And be sure that any reference to files, models, inis are pointing to existing ones! If you do that you wont miss anything and that saves a lot of time searching what went wrong.

I once mispelled a single charachter editing weapon loadouts for ai flown custom ships. Took me 4 hours to find it... I did not have FLSCAN that time. Helps a lot.

Follow a similar referencing then above and you will surely succeed.

And please search for tutorials explaining each line in ini files so you understand what does what in the files and what you need if are modifying files. Thats the way everything starts in modding games.

Its all simple just dont give up. Welcome to the modders life going into bed at 4-5 am in the morning...

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