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LAN Freelancer

The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!

Post Fri Jul 27, 2007 3:48 pm

LAN Freelancer

I know this is a double post of what's already posted elsewhere, but slap me on the wrist, I need to know this soon.

Me and 2 friends are going to be playing Freelancer over Hamachi soon, after having scraped the dust off the old game. However, we face a problem.

We've completed Vanilla Freelancer, and, to be honest, we're bored of it.

We need a new, original MOD with a general aim to it (like the campaign - not just getting the best ship there is) that will work across the LAN and keep us up until mornings. Sadly, a glance through mods doesn't reveal if the campaign-type-mods are SP only. Most of the time, they don't mention it at all.

I feel this has already been asked about 100 times, but, any reccommendations?

Post Fri Jul 27, 2007 5:00 pm

SInce you know, no double/cross posting. Since you have gotten results on the other thread I will leave it and lock this one.

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