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Rank/Levels of Pilots

The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!

Post Sun Jun 24, 2007 5:27 pm

Rank/Levels of Pilots

Ok, I couldn't find a good tutorial on how to edit the pilot levels, and how much money gets you to each one, so I am asking for help. This is what I'm trying to do;

Level = Amount of Money
0 = $0
1 = $25,000
2 = $500,000
3 = $750,000
4 = $1,250,000
5 = $2,500,000
6 = $7,250,000
7 = $12,500,000
8 = $15,750,000
9 = $25,000,000
10 = $125,000,000
11 = $750,000,000

I tried editing the ptough to coordinate it like that, but the Freelancer doesn't read it that way. Any help?

Everything is nothing, but nothing is not everything.

Post Sun Jun 24, 2007 6:21 pm

is this for a server if it is you shouldnt use ptough files any rak you have diff to money
Diff2Money = 0, 1800
Diff2Money = 0.082100, 2200
Diff2Money = 0.112380, 2655
Diff2Money = 0.205130, 3219
Diff2Money = 0.351000, 3919
Diff2Money = 0.480490, 4792
Diff2Money = 0.657740, 5887
Diff2Money = 0.900380, 7264
Diff2Money = 1.232530, 9001
Diff2Money = 1.687200, 11201
Diff2Money = 2.309610, 13994
Diff2Money = 3.161630, 17551
Diff2Money = 4.327960, 22093
Diff2Money = 5.924540, 27904
Diff2Money = 8.110100, 35356
Diff2Money = 11.101920, 44928
Diff2Money = 15.197410, 57246
Diff2Money = 20.803740, 73118
Diff2Money = 28.478239, 93597
Diff2Money = 38.983860, 120051
Diff2Money = 53.365002, 146192
Diff2Money = 73.051361, 190050
Diff2Money = 100.000000, 2470650 like that
if you want more money per mission add zeros to the end of the numbers

Post Sun Jun 24, 2007 8:11 pm

I'm hoping to make it for both singleplayer and server.

Ok, I tried editing both files, and nothing's changed except for when i edit the ptough but it doesn't work exatly how I want it.

Edited by - alfa_astrix on 6/25/2007 12:34:34 PM

Post Mon Jun 25, 2007 5:35 pm

i tell you something brother if you use ptough when running a server all your charaters will stuck at 40 once i deleted it wah lah people stared getting up in the high 50s

Post Mon Jun 25, 2007 10:46 pm

With inputing the way I have it above, I have made it so that it stops at level eleven like I like, but still setting the money amount is the problem. The reason I want it like that is so it is more precise to who can use what ships.

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