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Interesting Crashes

The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!

Post Tue Jun 05, 2007 6:18 pm

Interesting Crashes

Im working on a mod, and in the beta we have had a fair share of crash issues. So far we've narrowed it down to a small list of places (Shikoku, Manchester, Tau-31, Leeds). It always happens when someone enters a tradelane. Here is an example....

If I'm at Deshima station and I take the tradelane to the Galileo jumpgate everything is fine, but any time I take the tradelane back to Deshima from the Galileo jumpgate the server will crash, every time. After checking the mods KU02.ini against the vanilla KU02.ini it looks good to go, no changes. Now I'm no expert by any means but this leaves me scratching my head... Can anyone offer suggestions as to why this is happening or point in the right direction? Thanks!


Post Tue Jun 05, 2007 9:16 pm

if the two files are no different, as in no changes have been done, copy and past the vanilla and overite the new. If this doesn't work, it's another file. Also, if you haven't made changes to a file, then why would you have it in your mod?

Post Wed Jun 06, 2007 3:12 am

Use the server log and FLSpew to see what's causing your problem, but with a rough guess I'd say loadouts, something is spawning with a piece of equipment FL can't find, the usual culprit being a typo.

**shuffles off with a new headache**

Post Wed Jun 06, 2007 12:33 pm

Population / Encounters are causing the crash, potentially due to bad load out as mentioned above.
There is a whole thread about crashes stickied (or referenced) around here.
Download FLScan and use it.

Post Sun Jun 10, 2007 11:32 am

I Had a Similar Problem Once. Try Turning off 3D sound, that Sometimes Works.

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