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Dynamic Economy Mod

The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!

Post Thu May 03, 2007 10:21 am

Dynamic Economy Mod

Hi all,

Since I'm new on the forums, I'll do a quick introduction. I have been lurking on Lancer's Reactor for a while, since about the time I bought Freelancer when it was released. Every now and then, I would reinstall FL, get onto one of the servers, and quickly exhaust the gameplay options I had

Lately, I got the idea of modding FL to support a dynamic economy for multiplayer servers. It seems that this idea is doable - in fact there's one project already in the works I think - but I want to try giving it my own shot. I have a pretty good idea of what would be needed to calculate the commodity prices and forward them to the clients, but I'm having difficulty figuring out how to insert those prices into the FL memory.

I'm hoping that a couple of people here have experimented with running memory editors such as Tsearch on FL. Since I am totally new to memory editing, I haven't had much luck finding where in FL memory the prices are stored after they are loaded from the .ini files. I can find references to the commodities, but not the place where actual prices are stored.

If anyone could give me any pointers as to how I can use Tsearch (or ArtMoney or anything else) to find the memory locations of commodity prices, I would greatly appreciate it. And perhaps that would bring making a dynamic economy mod within my grasp.


Post Thu May 03, 2007 10:53 am


The mod we are working on we will be implementing a dynamic economy. If you would like, please visit us and check in. We welcome any and all ideas and we have not yet really thought about how to implement or get the dynamic econmy peice working yet. We already have the client updating peice working. If you are interested, please check us out at the links in my sig. We would very much welcome your insight into this.

Thank you,

Requiem: A Total FL Conversion Mod .

Post Thu May 03, 2007 11:05 pm

various mods and servers already use dynamic economy

Post Fri May 04, 2007 3:01 am

for a dynamic economie ..
easy to modified ini files , and reboot your server each day ...
but many search how do that without reboot your server ...
i think you tried to locate in memory adress commodities prices to changes them in memory, instead to played every days wi ini files and reboot your server.. i'm looking too for one of this tool ...

Best regards

Post Fri May 04, 2007 4:22 am

Well, our mod will nto only have a dynamic economy, but a dynamic universe which will involve a daily update which is being done with the updater program we have already completed.

But yes, AN instant update of the prices in game would be prefered.

Requiem: A Total FL Conversion Mod .

Post Fri May 04, 2007 8:17 am

getting a instant update in game is impossible, youll have to exit then re-enter the game for the changes to be applied, but it would depend entirely on when the update happens and how frequent it is.

Requiem: A Freelancer Total Conversion MOD

Openlancer Project


Post Fri May 04, 2007 10:57 am

dynamic universe does not neccessarily needs a updater
the first version of the dynamic universe in crossfire was working serverside only

if you build an updater then you should make sure that nobody can bypass it coz then ur server will crash or you open the door to cheaters

Post Fri May 04, 2007 11:49 am

Yes, a lot of mods already incorporate dynamic economy in a way that the prices are updated every day. However, I would like to attempt to make this update happen much more often, say every minute or so. In essence, the prices would be calculated and updated on the go, rather than compiled together and transmitted after every server reboot.

I understand that the way Freelancer is designed, there is no easy way to make this happen. However, I do believe that it is not impossible, and that there is a hard way of inserting the prices directly into the run-time memory of each Freelancer client.

I am not personally interested in working to make this a full-out mod with a dynamic universe or anything else. If I could only make the part that creates the truly robust, dynamic economy, I would be happy, and then I'd just pass it to the community to play around with and integrate into more complete mods.

If there are any game hacker / ASM guys here that know more about memory editing, I would appreciate any tips given. I guess all I can say is I will either have enough experience and determination or not

Post Fri May 04, 2007 3:54 pm

oh no...Freelancer meets Guild Wars. aaaarrrrrrgggghhhhh

Post Fri May 04, 2007 10:06 pm

it should be possible to modified this in memory, if you look on the movie made by grover on the real dymanic economy .. but he haven't share his dll and share his knowlegde about this .. maybe Louva have more info about this ...
but it's possible if you look again on the grover's movie ...
all change in real time, quantity and price ....

Post Sat May 05, 2007 12:56 am

For SP using a trainer style hack would be fine to modify prices in memory. I guess the crunch comes in MP with ensuring the client side has the same values as the server...

Grovers mod uses a different system, but as his RL is not allowing him the copious time needed to develop the idea this could be your chance to shine

The other side of the coin is the cheaters. The server will need some way to ensure prices at client end are identical; sadly not all players are nice and some will happily buy all at 1cr to sell at 100000000cr -shrug-

Good luck

*dribbling fool grammar edit*

+++ out of cheese error - redo from start +++

Edited by - anton on 5/5/2007 1:57:29 AM

Post Sat May 05, 2007 5:38 am

Swat, would you be willing to share what you did to get this working? I would be interested in learning mroe about how you accomplished this with the server side only dynamic universe.

Did this also include what ships were sold on what bases as well as equipment or just objects in space?

Also, does crossfire currently have a dynamic universe? If so, what are you doing now that is different than what you were doing?

Requiem: A Total FL Conversion Mod .

Post Sun May 06, 2007 12:39 am

Crossfire is using a dynamic universe for more than 1 1/2 years and a dynamic economy for about 1 year

and no im not willing to share anything
you can call me egoistic now but since ive been releasing Crossfire here at LR ive developed somewhat between 30 and 40 new concepts and features for FL and as a result of this other modders simply took what ive created and used it for their own work without asking for permission ... some even made 1:1 copies of my code
some had the nerves such 1:1 copies as "their" work a few months later

it even happened that my ship models were used in other mods without permission and one time some guys took my entire mod... changed a few minor things.... put it on their server and tried to release "their" work

hopefully you can understand why i have such a problem with releasing stuff if the result is such an abusive behaviour
I would never have had a problem if ppl would have asked for permission and if they would have given proper credits
fortunatly there were some modders and serveradmins which seem to have more honour and respect to the work of others and those got and still will get my support

not to mention that i decided to reduce my support here at LR since i was attacked personally by some ppl several times in the past months because of my try to help
basically to say that im very disappointed of the FL community doesnt fit 100%

(sry that this has gone off topic... but i had to explain this "no" )

Edited by - SWAT_OP-R8R on 5/6/2007 1:41:58 AM

Post Mon May 07, 2007 1:42 pm

That was actually the answer I was expecting Swat and did not expect anything else, but was hopeful you would actually share and contribute what you have learned and developed so other modders could learn from what you have done, but alas, tis not to be.

After all,. I thought that this is what the TLR community was for was to share ideas, concepts, and developments. If everyone who developed something would do as you are doing, there would be no development or progress within Freelancer and it would not have come as far as it has thus far.

I am just dissapointed at this type of attitude towards it, but to each there own and you do have everyright to keep what you do to yourself.

And now, I know I will probably get some sort of reply stating that I somehow ripped you and that I have no idea of what I am talking about. Wheh I first came here to TLR, I knew absolutly nothing about modding. I now know a fair amount and it is all thanks to those that share what they have found.

Thank you to the Lancers community for all there help here and please, those that do share, continue to do so so that the FL modding can continue to expand and get into new areas.

Post Mon May 07, 2007 2:20 pm

Well put Fad *applause*

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