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Making engines buyable AND sellable

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Post Wed Mar 28, 2007 12:11 pm

Making engines buyable AND sellable

OuterStar recently posted his EngineShop mod which allows you to unmount your engine and purchase and mount a new one.

It seems though that you can't sell the old one. The only way to get rid of it in this mod is to eject it into space or to die. Surely there must be a way around that. If you can buy and sell powerplants (freeworlds mod) why not engines? They're both internal pieces of equipment so that can't be the reason.


Post Wed Mar 28, 2007 12:17 pm

Yup i havent figured out how to enable to sell them.And you're right.The only way is to die to get rid of them.

Post Wed Mar 28, 2007 12:39 pm

It's hardcoded into the game to stop you transfering/selling engines, Alcander enabled it with a patch for the noCD EXE but this had drawbacks, it left servers wide open to cheating.

**shuffles off with a new headache**

Post Thu Mar 29, 2007 1:31 am

Selling engines is something I've been lookin for to include it in a mod I'm making for myself. Is there any way someone could tell me how to do it, by pm or mail or something if you don't want to say it in public?

Post Thu Mar 29, 2007 7:40 am

You can copy my files from Engine Shop Mod just please give credits to me.
Copy engine_euip.ini and engine_good.ini.Then go to market_misc.ini and fin base section of a base that you want to add engines.
There at the end paste this text (example):

base = Li01_01_base
MarketGood = li_gun01_mark01, 0, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = li_gun01_mark02, 0, -0.200000, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = li_gun01_mark03, 2, 0.100000, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = li_gun01_mark05, 10, 0.400000, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = li_gun02_mark01, 0, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
Add these new lines:
MarketGood = ge_gf1_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000 <- this is the price
MarketGood = ge_gf2_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000 <- of engines.
MarketGood = ge_gf3_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000 <- change it to any
MarketGood = ge_gf4_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000 <- amount you wish
MarketGood = ge_gf5_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000
MarketGood = ge_gf6_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000
MarketGood = ge_bwf_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000
MarketGood = ge_bwe_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000
MarketGood = ge_bwe2_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000
MarketGood = ge_bwfr_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000
MarketGood = ge_cof_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000
MarketGood = ge_coe_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000
MarketGood = ge_coe2_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000
MarketGood = ge_bhf_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000
MarketGood = ge_bhe_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000
MarketGood = ge_bhe2_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000
MarketGood = ge_lf_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000
MarketGood = ge_le_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000
MarketGood = ge_lfr_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000
MarketGood = ge_bf_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000
MarketGood = ge_be_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000
MarketGood = ge_bfr_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000
MarketGood = ge_kf_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000
MarketGood = ge_ke_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000
MarketGood = ge_kfr_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000
MarketGood = ge_rf_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000
MarketGood = ge_re_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000
MarketGood = ge_rfr_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000
MarketGood = ge_pf_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000
MarketGood = ge_pe_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000
MarketGood = ge_pfr_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000
MarketGood = ge_oe_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000
MarketGood = ge_t_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000
MarketGood = ge_tl_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000
MarketGood = ge_nf_engine_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1000

Post Thu Mar 29, 2007 8:01 am

i didnt have a look at the engine mod that was posted but from own experience i dropped this idea again due to the fact that many different ships in FL use different engines with different power outputs... and i dont like to see a starflyer with a vhf engine mounted because that would totally unbalance the game

and since this mod is not based on xml coding it is incompatible with most mods around here... so i suggest if you dont want to get called cheater or crash servers that you dont activate it when playing online

Post Thu Mar 29, 2007 8:27 am

>i didnt have a look at the engine mod that was posted but from own experience i dropped this idea again due to the fact that many different ships in FL use different engines with different power outputs

No they dont. All engines of the standard-flyable ships in vanilla FL have the same data IIRC.
Otherwhise our HC mod would be totally screwed by now lol

btw. Outerstar, somehow I got the impression you got the idea from the HC mod huh?

Edited by - w0dk4 on 3/29/2007 9:28:09 AM

Post Thu Mar 29, 2007 10:28 am

Yeah w0dk4 i wanted to give buyable engines to others to try

Post Thu Mar 29, 2007 10:29 pm

if you just add entry into the goods.ini for buying them, good
but for sale them,

add into the constant.ini into the section EngineEquipConsts


now you could slae them instead jetsonning them

Post Fri Mar 30, 2007 2:46 am

i was not only talking about vanilla FL

Post Fri Mar 30, 2007 5:09 am


AFAIK this requires Alcanders FreeLimits mod/hack to be applied.

Post Fri Mar 30, 2007 7:30 am

Thx OuterStar, but making engines buyable is ok, I'd like to allow you to sell and/or transfer it. Anyone know what this hack is? That's something I'm really searching for.

Post Fri Mar 30, 2007 12:18 pm

You definately DO NOT want to use Alcanders Freelimits patch, it might work for some but a lot of us it just freezes our PC's.

Post Fri Mar 30, 2007 1:07 pm

Damn, I really would have enjoyed switching engines as easily as weapons...

Post Fri Mar 30, 2007 5:53 pm

I've thought about this possibility of making engines sellable and buyable. Even to the point of "customizing" new engines.
The same thought had occured to me regarding the problem of cross matching engines to the wrong ships. (imbalance issue) . Here are a few ideas...
1. Make all engine "Volumes" a characteristic of the specific ship type.
This way, you can only mount LF engines on LF's, HF engines on HF's, VHF engines on VHF's, etc, etc.
2. have to take into consideration the amount of space (volume) the powerplant uses up to run the engines as well as the Volume of the engines themselves. The same goes for Power plants. (I think someone already sort of did this) I remember a time when a junker CSV was buyable but you couldn't buy any cargo since the "infinate" power supply took up all the space. (God, I wish I had known this way back when...LOL) I also remember that some of those npc's were loaded with hundreds (if not thousands) of commodities..but that was because of a simple loadout.ini line that stated "cargo = such and such, 9999. " (that's how those transports and trains with infinate power can carry so much cargo)

3. You can "balance" the Engine/Powerplant/Cargo space volumes.
4. You can "specify" the type of ship that an engine can be mounted in. (I think)
OR restrict it perhaps?
5. Perhaps you can ini stipulate a type of "interchangable with" certain types of engines & powerplants.

I sort of ran across this problem involving the mounting of capital ship weapons being crossed with being able to mount fighter and freighter weapons.
It's no problem to mount lesser class fighter weapons on freighters and capital ships..but it becomes a problem when you can mount capital weapons on fighters...and the standard freighters (along with custom ships)
As far as I cannot mount capital weapons on the standard FL ships...
unless it's edited in...or unless you goof up like I did when I manually edited some of my custom ships. (funny looking actually)
6. One sure fire way to fix that is to go to the trouble to reclassify weapons...
and reclassify the type of weapon mounts on ships.
Say...lvl 1-9 on all fighters and freighters. Then only lvl 10 on capitals.
So..for all the capital ship weapons they'd be reclassed to lvl 10's.
Most all max level npc's are using lvl 9 weapons anyhow..except for the nomads which are using lvl 1 lasers, CD's and Torpedos....(reclassify those)
Their lootable lvl 10 weapons along with the "special" CODE weapons would have to be changed to lvl 9.
To ensure the proper use..then power plants would have to be "balanced" to handle the type of max weapon class.

Edited by - Rankor on 3/30/2007 6:55:26 PM

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