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Warhammer 40k mod

The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!

Post Tue Jan 24, 2006 9:38 am

Warhammer 40k mod

Is anyone interested in making a Warhammer 40k mod for freelancer?
Im starting one but I need all the help i can get (prfeferbly people who dont think that warhammer is a complete waste of time and money).
Any suggestions for the mod would be helpfull aswell.


Post Tue Jan 24, 2006 11:24 am

I'm guessing ur actually aiming at a Battlefleet Gothic mod? If so it would be really good, but the scale of the ships might be a problem. Having battleships 4 miles long might be someting of a pain to include in the game.
I guess it dosen't really need to be perfectly to scale and some of the escorts would look pretty good. What kind of help are you looking for? I'm guessing modellers at the moment?

Post Tue Jan 24, 2006 11:52 am

I considered working on something like this myself once. If you look at not just Battlefleet Gothic, but also the models from the original Space Fleet which Battlefleet Gothic was based on, plus the models churned out of custom built and shown off by GW in the WarpStorm magazine (the small magazine that ran for a few issues with expanded rules for BattleFleet Gothic) or the Ship drawn in the comics of Warhammer Monthly (thinks of the Hammer of Thor ship that carried Sister Azreal I think her name was) and you realise there is an incredible amount of detail and variety amongst the Warhammer 40k universe for ships.

Personally, I would think the best approach would be make the ships on a smaller scale. I.e. the ships wouldn't be 4miles long in game terms, but still to scale to one another. The main focus would be on the battleships, cruisers, escorts etc... rather than fighters, though fighters could be set up for people to fly in squadrons like with have with the TIE-fighter squadrons in Freeworlds 1.66.

If something gets off the ground with this, I may consider building some models for this, but my time is limited (RL issues with my kids and my work on Freeworlds 1.66's patches and expansions) so I can't give any full time commitment to this.

Ohhhh... one final thing, I've seen somewhere a GW model of an Eldar CraftWorld.... that is absolute must for a station along with the Ramisis Star Fort.

Freeworlds Mod Developer
Author of Modular Station

'There is no Good nor Evil in the universe, just perceptions and circumstances.'

Post Wed Jan 25, 2006 6:58 am

I was thinking that 40k and Battlefleet Gothic could be included (mainly 40k though as Battlefleet Gothic ships tend to be several miles long).
The main thing im looking for are modellers at the moment but anyone who's interested can help.
Im also a bit stuck about what systems to include, there are so many in warhammer i dont think they will all fit into the freelancer navmap!


Post Wed Jan 25, 2006 10:22 am

Hmmmm, down to individual choice I guess. You could have a mod that was Battle Fleet Gothic centric or Warhammer centric, the difference being scale. Systems wise, I would concentrate on a small sector to begin with of 40k space, something that has been quite well detailed before, like the Gothic Sector (detailed in BattleField Gothic) or the area around the Ultramarines homeworld (if I remember, the Codices detail that area quite well also) or possibly even the Armeggedon or Necromunda Sector.

Incidently, a little project of mine that is underwork at the moment that you lot might be interrested in:

It's far from finished yet, I've got to the weapons modules (interchangable in the 3D model side to recreate the various different classes of Imperial Cruiser) and will then need texturing, but give it a little time, and I will have this little baby built (and one has to ask why GW made their models so detailed!)

EDIT: Got a more upto date picture now of the Gothic Class Cruiser in 3D, untextured:

Freeworlds Mod Developer
Author of Modular Station

'There is no Good nor Evil in the universe, just perceptions and circumstances.'

Edited by - Aldebaran28 on 1/25/2006 11:52:20 AM

Post Wed Jan 25, 2006 11:40 pm

Thats a great ship, once you've finished it could you please email it and the weapons so i can use them in the mod?
I will try to have a lot of detailed 40k systems or at least start with them (the imperial systems are most detailed though so i'll be starting with them).

Also i reckon that if the nomad ships were re-skinned they would look alot like tyranid ships, what does everyone else think?


Post Thu Jan 26, 2006 6:09 am

Personally, I would build brand new models for the Tyranid vessels. There is plenty of designs for them done by GW and would give it more of a Warhammer feel then reskinned Freelancer ships. The best bet I think is not to try and overstretch yourself. Start with just a couple of races (Imperial (naturally) + two of the alien races, perhaps Eldar and Chaos before moving onto include others with future versions like the Orks, Tyranids and Tau).

I am half way through texturing the model at the moment, but I will probably release the models to people once I have the entire fleet (you know, Dominator Class, Mars Class, Luna class etc....) as they are all based on the same chasis as the Gothic and the way I have built the model means swapping the modules on the side at the modelling stage won't be difficult. I have currently textured it in a predominantly white colour with blue off colour for the ridging, though I also plan to do a few colour variations as with most of 40k and BF:G, different fleets and armies have different colour schemes. White and Blue seemed quite common, as does Green and Yellow and Blue and Yellow, so I will probably do a version in each colour.

EDIT: Got the ships textured in four different colour schemes as the pic below shows. Now I just need to build the six other varients of the standard Imperial Cruiser design (Mars, Dominator, Tyrant, Lunar, OverLord and Dictator). It should not take too long to do as each type is only a small varient on the basic Gothic Class Cruiser design with different weapon configurations etc...

Once I've got those other six cruisers done, I think I will have a crack at the Cobra and Firestorm class Escort ships and possibly the Lightning Space Fighter and Marauder Bomber. I might also have a look into seeing how to achieve glow maps for these models, as it does enhance the appearance (especially of capital ships like these) no end.

EDIT Again:

Ok, so I have now finished building nine classes of Imperial Cruiser (the Jovian and Orion are not from the main Rulebook, they appear in Official Battlefleet Gothic Magazine, Issue One). With each of these in four colours each, thats a massive 36 ship models built already. However, sadly I noticed last night after I transferred them into HardCMP that they have a few cracks in them, so I am going to have to go back and repair those before I can count them as finalised, unfortunately, my actual PC is in the middle of a Reformat.

Having built these now, I am seriousily considering building a BF:G mod myself, especially as you seem to be wanting to concentrate on the smaller ships and put it to Freelancer Scale, so these would be better off as one off capital ships or more likely, bases for your systems. The mod I am thinking off though would scale everything down and use a Forum driven TE rule set that combines BF:G style with Freelancer. Should be interresting if I can get it right.

Freeworlds Mod Developer
Author of Modular Station

'There is no Good nor Evil in the universe, just perceptions and circumstances.'

Edited by - Aldebaran28 on 1/27/2006 7:23:38 AM

Post Fri Jan 27, 2006 11:54 am

if you do make a mostly BF:G mod then you will also be needing some more manoverable ships but if you made the lightning fighter then it would not be at all to scale and might look a bit silly. However if the cruisers were battleships (maybe non-flyable) and you had smaller ships like the lightning as normal flyable ships, then i reckon it would be much more fun and battles/pvp would be more tactical.

By the way those models are utterly brilliant


Post Mon Jan 30, 2006 12:09 pm

Not with what I have planned I am thinking of using the old squadron trick with fighters, keeping them to correct scale with the battleships but allowing people to fly 3 or more ships at a time when in the fighters. Thats my plan for the BF:G Mod, but like I said, there is no reason why there can't be both types of mod out there. Unfortunately, I've got to get my PC all reworking again after a Network failure the other day, so it may be a few days before I can get back into working on this.

Post Wed Feb 15, 2006 3:23 am

I am very interested in such a Battlefleet Gothic modification.

Unfortunately, I do not have the knowledge of 3D modelling software required to properly model such vessels. However, I am a Warhammer 'fluff fanatic' and can certainly provide any bit of in-game text you may need (from missions and ship/equipment descriptions to text messages from NPCs) and would be quite happy to do so. I could also definitely collaborate with the modellers to make the vessels as appropriate to their race as possible. I am especially enthusiastic about the Eldar and the Necrons.

If none of this is needed, then I will simply wish the project success and look forward to playing the result. I have wanted for someone to do this since I first experienced Freelancer.

Solus umbrae teneo,
- Shadowflame

Edited by - Shadowflame on 2/15/2006 3:26:06 AM

Post Sat Feb 25, 2006 7:40 am

I LOVE Warhammer 40K. I suck at kodeling, but if the models get done, I will code the systems, weps, bases, ships for you. SWEET!


Creator of:
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Your Mom (GASP)

Post Tue Mar 07, 2006 6:32 am


My name is TheQ, long time fan of Freelancer. Seems to me that the Warhammer 40K mod isn't taking any shape so I did some small action about that. As a school project, I made a mod for Freelancer. Mod was based in BFG, not Warhammer 40K but I think it is practically same thing.

My mod includes these things: Six ships (Iconoclast, Infidel, Cobra, Sword, Nightshade and Hemlock), four systems and changed equipments. I made the ship models myself but the skins are very, very basic. Rainbow, in you want to know the truth

Anyway, I am planning to keep this mod developed when I find free time. But if anyone of you guys want to help, just sing up the forums and post a recruitment post. I am needing all kind of help so I don't really nead anyone particular. Everyono is welcome to join the fun.

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- Q, B-wing pilot in the mod "Star Wars: Tides of War"

Battlefleet Freelancer

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