Y'know, Common.DLL is just about the scariest thing ever, at least to me- I've done hex-searches and stuff through it looking for game variables, and most of it's just soup that I can't make head or tail of.
And y'know, I expected to see you here.
Since I'm lazy and my eyes glazed over 30 seconds after opening common.dll in a hex editor, I just went in with Sysinternals' free 'strings' tool and exported all ANSI strings of length 4 and longer. It still looks garbagy at first glance, but if you filter out garbage (or just ignore it and look for "wordish" items) you can actually read quite a bit in there.
Click here
The one nasty bit is that the strings are mostly function calls apparently, which means that they usually have bizarre 'decoration' with ?@@QUAX and things like that dangling from them, but the COOL thing is that constants and such are clearly visible - and the "good stuff" is usually clustered together.
The bad thing is all this does is give you a bunch of names, of course.
My experience with Hardpoints, though... is that it's not so much the Hardpoints that are special and hard-coded ... it's the relationship established in the INIs. For example, SpConnect is usually used to connect items to other items (except for cargo, which is usually just a HpCargo)...
Actually, what I was interested in is establishing new equipment types. Obviously not simple, but doing something such as adding a range of HpTorpedo mounts - say, hp_torpedo_special_3 through 10 - doesn't work that way at all, does it? I haven't even tried, but seem to remember the usual trustable sources saying you can't do it via INIs.
...unless you create a gun that refers to that hardpoint in its INI as the appropriate type to mount on...[quote
Wait a sec. WOULD this work? I don't have the time to just _try_ declaring a new torp as hp_torpedo_special_9 and then referring to that in the INIs... I could in a couple of weeks, but I thought this was an experiment someone had already done.