Well, here's my two cents...
1. Go download the H-Fuel Tanker mod I just put up for download here. When you remove the modifications to Constants.ini and Solararch.ini (both XML files are clearly labeled)... what you have left is everything you need to add a custom ship to FL.
2. Study each of the files I've included. Basically, here's what each one does:
HFuel_Tanker.xml appends an entry for a ship, creates an Engine and Powerplant that are unique to that ship, and then makes the appropriate entries to Good.ini, allowing you to buy that ship... and finally, at the end, puts the ship on sale at NY, NY., in place of the Starflier, and on Crete.
The Crete entry is a little special- it replaces one of FL's many "dead entries" in market_ships.ini- entries where a ship isn't really on sale, but there's an entry for it anyway (probably created by some sort've database that FL's game-designers were maintaining, and never cleaned up). At any rate... Crete normally only sells one ship- now it sells two- the Titan... and mine.
Hfuel_Loadouts.xml adds a Loadout that's appropriate to the ship to loadouts.ini... which is one of the steps needed to put the ship into Factions.
Hfuel_Encounters.xml adds a customized AI entry for the Hfuel Tanker, which not necessary... but is very useful!
Hfuel_Faction_Prop.xml adds the Hfuel Tanker to the Merchant Factions (i.e., everybody who flies things like Trains). It searches for a certain entry in faction_prop.ini, and if it finds it... it appends this ship to it. You could make this super-targeted... for example, you could just add this to the Liberty Police... or you can make it hit a bunch of places at once, like I have done here.
Hfuel_Npcships.xml is the final piece of the puzzle, and links the Loadout, the Faction_Prop and the Encounter together into a functional AI-piloted ship. In my case, I wanted it to show up all over the place (as a proof-of-concept), so I made it show up in Encounters from level 1-19. Again, you could adjust this however you wanted.
So... what do you need, besides a copy of my mod (minus the two xml files that I added for gameplay purposes)?
All you need... is a CMP/MAT/SUR in a folder... and a custom Icon, if you have one. So... if you wanna add new ships... all you've gotta do is change what I've made here, dump your CMP/MAT/SURs into a folder, and voila! With only a teensy bit of work (an hour or two at most), you could put a custom ship into your mod... and you can do this multiple times to make a multi-ship mod very, very easily