XML/FLMM and Factions/Missions
I've put custom Factions into WOS Beta 1, that are implemented via FLMM. They work just fine- their ID strings and other stuff is working, too.
But they won't hand out Random Missions. I've changed Mbases.ini, so that it has sections like this one (the weight is set super-high for testing purposes):
faction = alliance_navy_grp
weight = 95
offers_missions = true
mission_type = DestroyMission, 0.000000, 0.112387, 100
I've also changed my System so that it has an appropriate Vignette Zone. Just for the record, I have previously tested using ELLIPSOID zones for Vignettes before, successfully.
nickname = zone_br07_destroy_vignette_1
pos = -1000, 5100, -80000
size = 10000, 5000, 10000
mission_type = unlawful, lawful
sort = 99.500000
vignette_type = open
Last but not least, I've set up the vignetteparams.ini with entries like this one (obviously, I just edited things here)
node_id = 337
Offer_group = alliance_navy_grp , gd_bh_grp, gd_gm_grp, gd_im_grp, gd_z_grp, co_alg_grp, co_be_grp, co_hsp_grp, co_ic_grp, co_khc_grp, co_kt_grp, co_me_grp, co_ni_grp, co_nws_grp, co_os_grp, co_rs_grp, co_shi_grp, co_ss_grp, co_ti_grp, co_vr_grp
offer_text = append, 327870, TARGET_FULL_NAME, 327871, TARGET_ZONE, singular, 327872, Hostile_group, plural, 327873, Hostile_group
offer_text = append, 328023, TARGET_FULL_NAME, 328024, TARGET_ZONE, singular, 328025, Hostile_group, plural, 328026, Hostile_group
offer_text = append, 328176, TARGET_FULL_NAME, 328177, TARGET_ZONE, singular, 328178, Hostile_group, plural, 328179, Hostile_group
child_node = 335
Now, according to everything I've read about this stuff, my Faction should now offer Random Missions against the Factions they don't like that are in the System... right? I mean, I have working Encounter Zones... the Vignette Zone clips into the Encounter Zone...
Soo... do I need a Patrol path to go there, or something? Am I missing some vital entry in an INI? I'm stumped...