problem with modifying a ship
I have a ship that I"ve been trying to drag from one mod and impliment in another. I've just about gotten it working except for a small difficulty that is turning into a real nightmare to fix.
The original problem started out that the gun hardpoints on the ship were coded as turrets, rather than correct guns. As a result, when flying in normal 3rd person view, the hardpoints didn't move, only the ship (which made flying it a little wierd). So I imported the model into HardCMP and fixed the gun mounts. Now the ship will fly correctly, but it looks like the ship is about 1 km from the camera (in normal 3rd person all other views, it's fine). Does anyone have any idea on what's causing this to happen and how to fix it? I've tried editing the XML file for the ship, but that doesn't seem to be working.
The original problem started out that the gun hardpoints on the ship were coded as turrets, rather than correct guns. As a result, when flying in normal 3rd person view, the hardpoints didn't move, only the ship (which made flying it a little wierd). So I imported the model into HardCMP and fixed the gun mounts. Now the ship will fly correctly, but it looks like the ship is about 1 km from the camera (in normal 3rd person all other views, it's fine). Does anyone have any idea on what's causing this to happen and how to fix it? I've tried editing the XML file for the ship, but that doesn't seem to be working.