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making Extra Rooms how to ( ??? )

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Post Wed May 26, 2004 7:08 pm

making Extra Rooms how to ( ??? )

Extra Room made by kaegogi
Shows how to get an extra room on a base. Room will show up on Manhattan. Feel free to use as you see fit. If you get a new room to show a different behaviour (ie shipdealer#2 selling 3 different ships from shipdealer#1) then please share your discovery here.

Post Wed May 26, 2004 9:33 pm

@bp: thank you.
@anyone who's interested: Getting in a new room is easy it's just the part about getting the new room to sell different items that I can't make happen. This is what I'm planning to do for future versions of my mod:
Player lands on New Tokyo. The nav bar shows three items: 1.)Launch 2.)Grungy Spaceport part of the city icon 3.)Nice Government part of the city icon.

In the grungy part player has choice between 1.) The strip (leads to bar with unlawful factions) 2.) The Chop Shop (leads to stolen ship dealer) 3.) Misapropriated Items store (leads to a stolen equipment dealer with high prices) 4.) Black Market (leads to contraband commods dealer) 5.) Back to landing pad

In the government portion the player has the normal choices.

Now I know I can set the rep requirement higher in order to get the player to buy from who I want him to buy from, but what's the point in all this if there's no price difference or difference in what's sold? I don't want to make it if it's going to end up being nothing but eye candy with no real in-game value. So if you have any ideas on how to get the different dealers to sell different items please post here. Thanks.

Edit = Or if you have any ideas on how to change the prices for different dealers.

Edited by - kaegogi on 5/26/2004 10:36:30 PM

Post Wed May 26, 2004 9:43 pm

base = Br01_01_base
MarketGood = te_gun22_ammo, 0, 0, 50, 50, 0, 1

the multiplier is the last number of the MarketGood entry. It will determine the market value of what they are selling...

the script is from the evo mod...

a message from firebase...

Post Wed May 26, 2004 9:48 pm

very nice, very nice indeed. i wish i would have learned to mod back in the day.....

Post Wed May 26, 2004 9:56 pm

@Sun Striker. Thanks for trying to help, but I know that. What I'm getting at is that every equipment dealer has a set behavior. They sell what's in their [basegood section at the price you tell them. If you have 2 equip dealers on one base they both sell the same equip at the same price. What I'm looking for is a way to change that so you can have 2 equipment rooms that sell different goods at different prices.

Post Wed May 26, 2004 9:59 pm

sorry... B-) i thought you are talking about the price...
are the two traders in the same room?

Post Wed May 26, 2004 10:14 pm

No need to be sorry, you were trying to help. (most folks who thought someone was trying to find out how to just change a price would have told me to go look in the newbie threads)
As to them being in the same room: No, the base would have anywhere from 6-10 rooms. Which is where the problem comes in. They're all on the same base, thus using the same market values. If a way could be found so that clicking on a icon shifts a player to another "base" (ie one that doesn't have a docking method besides clicking on that icon while on the original base) without a .thn call and then landing the player also without a .thn then you could have different equip/ships/commods all on one base being sold by multiple factions. Like I said earlier adding the rooms and differently aligned dealers is easy, its getting the equip/commods/ships to change that's difficult. Or just plain impossible with traditional ini editing.

Post Wed May 26, 2004 10:32 pm

(this is all plain theory, 90% of my ideas didnt work inthe past but the 10% make it worth posting them )

well, the rooms you have are defined in the base's ini file.
try including some rooms from other bases, or better: make a "fake" base.
I think you have to assure that you cant take off from the "fake" base.
The "fake" base could have an own entry in the marketfiles -> different prices could be possible, maybe also several shipdealers.

as i said: all plain theory...
and IF it works you have to be very careful what u sell - u could buy stuff in one room and sell in another.... lol

anyway, let me know if this worked, it sounds interesting.


Excelcia Mod Leading Developer

Post Wed May 26, 2004 10:53 pm

You would need it to link to a second base to work. Right now FL uses references to bases, and not to individual rooms - so it won't do selling special stuff, or new ships etc. It really is a nice showpiece, but thats about it unless you can figure how to start an action script to change base file in the game when clicking on an might work in the storyline - it starts a trigger.......but in MP it won't

Starting the trigger could work - which means you might be able to get black label going SP - as during the story, the icon can be a "mission condition" - and clicking on it will cut to another secret "basefile". Then clicking on launch from that second base is a condition to replace you at the first one.

Post Wed May 26, 2004 10:54 pm

Thanks Lord Fjord. I tried that once and ended up getting switched to a blank, black screen. I think because the room change happens but the base hasn't been loaded so FL can't start it up. I haven't tried forcing the load in freelancer.ini and I'm not sure that would do anything anyway but I'll try that.

@Chips: I saw the comment on the front page and I agree with you completely. As I stated above it's really nothing more than eye candy and it won't be interesting past the first few times it's used unless the room switching behavior or the dealer behavior can be changed.

Edit = lol, I'm not chasing you back and forth from here to the comments section Chips. No I hadn't considered putting it into SP missions. I'm not sure I'd want to do that because it would only last as long as the player was in mission state, and I've messed with missions before and it's just too much of a damn headache. Anyone who feels like trying though is more than welcome to.

Edited by - kaegogi on 5/27/2004 12:07:49 AM

Post Thu May 27, 2004 2:23 am

Still a useful concept, and more than eye candy. If nothing else, couldn't you make a room/stall for a Nav Map dealer ala Privateer at bases? I've always thought it a little retarded that you can't buy basic nav info before you go flailing off around space.

Post Thu May 27, 2004 5:15 am

that should work

Excelcia Mod Leading Developer

Post Thu May 27, 2004 6:16 am

Sure you could have a room that has NPC's in it that do nothing but hand out knowledge, or rumors, or missions, or bribes. The reason I call it eye candy is because you can also do all of that in the bar. The extra room really is only aesthetically pleasant to have.

Post Thu May 27, 2004 7:43 am

Would adding something like this :

nickname = Br01_01b_Base

to the <wherever>_shipdealer.ini, with an extra market_ships entry of the same name work?

Just a thought as i have no time to try the idea today...

Post Thu May 27, 2004 10:56 am

This is purely hypothetical, and maybe it's just a stupid idea, but the problem with 2 Commodity Dealers at a base maybe depends on how it is arranged in what room a marketgood shows up.

I mean, the entries in market_commodities.ini, market_misc.ini and market_ships.ini are much alike. If these classes of marketgoods are interchangeable with regards to at which room they are sold, by just modifying some of the values, then maybe it would be possible to have a marketgood bought from a Commodity Dealer at one base, and sold to an Equipment Dealer in another base.

And if that would be possible, it would also be possible to turn a Equipment Dealer at a base into a Black Market Dealer, and have him sell (and buy) commodities that can be sold (and bought) at plain Commodity Dealers at other bases.

base = Br01_01_base
MarketGood = commodity_gold, 0, -1, 150, 500, 0, 1.080000

base = Br01_01_base
MarketGood = br_gun01_mark01, 6, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1

base = Br01_01_base
marketgood = gf1_package, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1

The lines in market_ships.ini have a value more, but the ship packages are goods defined in Goods.ini, and the equipment in market_misc.ini isn't, so both files have one thing in common, and a difference with market_commodities.ini

Actually I fear that these differences are what counts, and that it cannot be done this way.

Btw, the mod is great, Kaegogi!

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