did you ave torpedo at start or end of attack_preference? i looked at pilots_story when i suggested it, ie :
nickname = MSN01b_story_job_fighter_a_torpedo
wait_for_leader_target = FALSE
maximum_leader_target_distance = 10000
flee_when_leader_flees_style = FALSE
scene_toughness_threshold = HARDEST
flee_scene_threat_style = HARDEST
flee_when_hull_damaged_percent = 0.000000
flee_no_weapons_style = TRUE
loot_flee_threshold = EQUAL
attack_subtarget_order = ANYTHING
field_targeting = ALWAYS
attack_preference = CAPITAL, 5000, GUNS / GUIDED / UNGUIDED / TORPEDO
attack_preference = SOLAR, 5000, GUIDED / UNGUIDED / TORPEDO
attack_preference = FIGHTER, 5000, GUNS / GUIDED / UNGUIDED
and it works in the story with this loadout
nickname = MSN01b_Liberty_Bomber
archetype = li_elite
equip = ge_le_engine_01
equip = npc_shield01_mark01, HpShield01
equip = infinite_power
equip = ge_s_scanner_02
equip = ge_s_tractor_01
equip = ge_s_thruster_01, HpThruster01
equip = li_gun01_mark01, HpWeapon01
equip = li_gun01_mark01, HpWeapon02
equip = li_turret01_mark01, HpTurret01
equip = torpedo01_mark01, HpTorpedo01
cargo = torpedo01_mark01_ammo, 2
equip = ge_s_cm_01, HpCM01
cargo = ge_s_cm_01_ammo, 20
equip = LargeWhiteSpecial, HpHeadlight
equip = SlowSmallBlue, HpRunningLight01
equip = SlowSmallBlue, HpRunningLight02
equip = SlowSmallBlue, HpRunningLight03
equip = SlowSmallBlue, HpRunningLight04
equip = contrail01, HpContrail01
equip = contrail01, HpContrail02
equip = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight01
equip = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight02
Edit * I had a look for the block defs and found them in content.dll - sadly no torpedo block
Edited by - Anton on 5/23/2004 6:31:28 AM