I guess you mean the mbases.ini file there, or FLExplorer may have done it too
Its cause of a common problem:
This is a typical correct entry:
faction = li_n_grp
weight = 13
offers_missions = true
mission_type = DestroyMission, 0.000000, 0.112387, 30
npc = li0101_lnavy_001_f
npc = li0101_lnavy_002_m
npc = li0101_lnavy_003_f
Here is that same one which was opened using BiniQ instead:
faction = li_n_grp
weight = 13
offers_missions = mission_type = DestroyMission, 0.000000, 0.112387, 30
npc = li0101_lnavy_001_f
npc = li0101_lnavy_002_m
npc = li0101_lnavy_003_f
You need to go through that file manually and change this back to what it should say whereever you see it
It will take ages, but be worth it. Alternatively - download the SDK, and install it. It has already got the mbases.ini file decompressed and fixed. Then - rename your MODS mbases.ini file to mbasesold.ini - and then copy the SDK one into your mods folder to replace the now "old" one. open the old version, and scroll to the bottom of the file. Copy the entries made by FL:Explorer and PASTE them INTO the new mbases.ini file (which is fixed already). Now all you have to do is edit a few lines only (instead of hundreds) to fix the problem
by the way, this is the wrong forum. That is why its called the TUTORIALS FORUM - and NOT the QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FORUM!!!! Please try the General Editing forum for any further problems/questions about topics. Or read the stickies in the forums as well - which would be very beneficial to you
Edited by - Chips on 4/9/2004 6:04:49 AM